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Mick: Is everybody back home now

Lance: Yup, the flight landed a couple of hours ago

Mick: Lance, we were on the same plane

Lance: yeah, but for those who don't know, they would need the info

Mick: true

Alex: yeah, we're all back 

Val: and who's suffering with a hangover

Lando: Me 🤒

Mick: I'm not surprised, with the amount of shots u took last night

George: How did we all get back to the hotel, I cant remember that much

Danny: Oh u have Lewis to thank for that 

Danny: He took u, Alex, Max and Lando back to your hotel rooms

George: Thanks for that Lewis

Lewis: Np 🙂

Lando: Oscar, I have to apologise for abandoning u last night

Oscar: Erm, I'm the one who just wandered off

Lando: Yeah, but I should have made sure that u got back to your hotel alright, it is my responsibility as an older teammate and I failed

Oscar: Dont worry about it, Arthur made sure I stayed safe

Logan: Besides, Oscar left quite early in the night anyway

Charles: Is Arthur okay did he get back to his hotel room safely

Oscar: Erm, he kinda stayed with me until the morning

Charles: Oh, thats fine

Pierre: i enjoyed last night, we should do it again sometime

Yuki: I agree, it was a blast

Estie: Especially seeing u doing drunken karaoke

Zhou: that was fun

Lando: right, im gonna go and work of my hangover

Alex: Same

Lance: Alright, talk to u guys in a bit then

Mick: and just phone if u need anything

George: i will, ur the best Mick


After one of the worst races of his career to date, Max was back in Monaco where his father was. He had gotten home with a slight hangover from the previous nights shenanigans, even though it looked like he had drunk a lot of shots, Max had actually tipped most of them on the floor. This meant that he had acted drunk for the rest of the night. The reason he did this was because he had to go home to his father, where he was now.

Nervously, Max opened the door to the apartment where his dad greeted him with a dangerous smirk on his face.

"Oh, you dare show your face here after everything that happened yesterday? You have some cheek on ya boy," Jos Verstappen snarled in his son's face, cracking his knuckles.

"It wasn't my fault, that the engine gave up," Max said defensively.

"Oh ho, answering back now are we?" said Jos dangerously, edging ever closer to Max's face, "those friends of yours are having a bad influence on you aren't they."

"NO, no it is me, it is all me, nothing to do with them," Max said quickly so his father wouldn't turn on his friends.

"Is it now? Well I think that calls for a punishment so you remember where you belong," Jos said and as he went to strike Max with his fist.

As soon as Max saw the fist starting to be raised, he turned on his heel and fled out the door that was still partially open behind him. Without having an idea of where he was going, Max ran, hearing the animalistic yell of his father behind him starting to give chase. He ran and ran and ran through the mostly empty streets of Monaco, Jos still behind him. As his body was starting to give up and run out of oxygen, a car drove past him and stopped. The passenger door of the car got opened and the driver yelled for him to get in. Without caring who was driving the car, Max got in hurriedly and shut the door of the car just as the car started off moving again. Looking though the rear view mirror, Max gave a sigh if relief at seeing his father look around confused as to where he had gone. After reassuring himself that he was safe, Max finally went and gave a good look to the driver who had picked him. Upon realising who it was, Max gave a gasp of surprise.

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