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A couple of days later and the first of many knocks on the door came. Lewis was busy preparing some snacks and drinks in the kitchen, ready for after they had finished the takeaways, so Max went and answered the door. It was Mick along with Lance and Esteban, who all looked extremely surprised to see Max answer the door. Thankfully, they didn't have time to ask any questions as Lewis poked his head out of the kitchen. 

"Ah Lance, Mick, Esteban, go and make yourselves comfortable, Max will show you where to go. I'll be through in a minute or two," Lewis greeted the three drivers who had arrived who all looked back and forth very quickly between Max and Lewis, wondering if they had missed anything. It was only when Lewis disappeared back into the kitchen that they started moving again. 

In the living room, there were two large couches meeting at a right angle this should be big enough to fit anywhere between 8 and 12 people combined on the two couches depending on how much space everybody takes up. Then Lewis had managed to find two large bean bags that were still there in the apartment. Max was still unsure why Lewis had those in the first place. Those were placed in the middle of the room. Finally, two large armchairs were pushed against the wall that didn't have the tv on it. These could sit two people each, at a squeeze. Lewis hoped that this would be enough seating for everybody to sit down on. If not, Lewis had a couple of other bean bags for people to sit on. 

Mick, Lance, and Esteban went and sat on one of the large sofas. Once Max had seen them into the lounge, he then went into the kitchen to speak to Lewis about something. Then another knock at the door came. Again, it was Max who went and answered it. This time, it was a much bigger group of drivers who had turned up at the door. It looked like George, Alex, Lando, and Charles were coming together. But then, Alex bought Logan along with him whilst Lando had made sure Oscar was coming. Carlos decided to come with Charles, who had also bought his brother as well to the meet-up. George had also made sure that Nyck had come along with them as well. This meant that it was a grand total of 9 drivers who had turned up at once. Like last time, Max showed them through to the living room just as Lewis was coming out of the kitchen with some drinks. Nyck went and sat down next to Mick, leaving room for Max to sit next to him. Lando sat at one end of the other large couch, Charles sat next to him, followed by George, then Alex, then Logan. Carlos sat on one bean bag whilst Oscar and Arthur took up residence on the other bean bag.

The next driver to arrive was Pierre, who was let in by Lewis. He went and squeezed himself next to Esteban and the end of that sofa, officially making that sofa full. Then, it was the last lot of drivers to arrive in Checo, Fernando, and Daniel. This was good news for Lewis, who would otherwise have to look after all the 'kids' by himself. Checo sat next to Carlos on the bean bag. Nando sat on one armchair whilst Danny and Lewis managed to sit themselves on the other one. It was all a bit of a squeeze, but they had managed to make it work. 

"So, does everybody want to get takeaway now or wait a bit?" Lewis asked, cutting into the various conversations that were taking place around the room. 

"We can order it now cause I think it will take a while to arrive," Checo suggested from his position on the bean bag when it seemed like nobody else was going to talk. He was partially hiding a grin behind his hand at quite a few of the younger drivers being too nervous to talk to Lewis. Fernando noticed this as well, and even though, they saw Lewis often on track, pretty much none of them saw him all that often off the track, so Nando could see why they were unsure about talking to him.

"Great," Lewis said, "now we just need to get everybodies orders."

There was a slight bit of arguing over how it was best to place the orders and what to order. In the end, it was decided that they would use Just Eat, and that way, everybody could choose whatever they wanted, rather than just ordering from one specific place. Lewis was designated as the person who was in charge of taking the orders, and twenty minutes later, the orders were finally placed, and it would take approximately an hour for it to arrive. 

Once the orders had been placed, Max picked up the tv remote, turned the tv on, and then logged into Lewis's Netflix account. There were a lot of disagreements over what movie they should watch. Some of them wanted to watch Harry Potter or one of the Cars movies, but those suggestions were shut down because those were the movies that had been picked the previous times they had done this. Eventually, the remote was passed over to Lewis, who said that he had seen a good movie but hadn't had time to watch it yet. After a quick search, he had found it. The movie in question was called 'Now You See Me', and after everybody had read the synopsis, they all agreed to watch it. 

Halfway through the movie, the orders arrived, so Lewis, along with Checo, Daniel, and Fernando, headed to the door to collect them. There was a bit of scrabbling to give out all the food, but in the end, everybody had the correct order, and the movie was free to be played once again. Everybody was on the edge of their seats throughout the movie as magic and illusions were used to steal a shit ton of cash from under the noses of the FBI. Only once the movie was finished did everybody finally sit back and relax in their seats again.

"Holy shit, that was like the best movie I have ever watched," Daniel said breathlessly.

"Agreed," Max said, "I think it might go up there as one of my favourite movies ever."

"Just a shame that it's finished," George said with a sigh.

"Hold up, guys," Lewis butted in, "it's not finished just yet, but before we carry on, let's tidy up our food first, and then we can get some snack out."

Everybody readily agreed, and soon there was a hive of activity as everybody moved to pick up the empty containers and boxes that the food had been in. With everyone chipping in, the apartment was looking clean once again in no time. 

"Lewissssss," Charles whined, "what did you mean by its not finished yet?"

"Well, there is a sequel," Lewis replied, and everybody cheered.

The sequel, aptly named 'Now You See Me 2' was put onto watch. This time, everybody had snacks of various descriptions that they had bought along. Like the last movie, the entire group also really enjoyed the second movie as well. And none of them really wanted to leave after it had finished. So after a lot of puppy eyes from the younger drivers, Lewis agreed that they could stay the night.

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