851 27 10

Logan: chocolate or vanilla

Liam: Hmmm 🤔

Liam: well I think vanilla

Logan: I agree

Logan: it'll taste nicer I think

Liam: yeah with chocolate u tend to get a weird taste

Logan: ooooooooo

Logan: or whipped cream

Liam: get both

Liam: we can experiment

Oscar: guys pls take your weird kinky shit elsewhere

Logan: WHAT!!!!!


Alex: erm whats going on

Oscar: it's better off if u didn't know

Liam: do u think everyone knows

Oscar: well I mean it's not like your secretive about it anyway

Oscar: im more surprised that people don't know

Mick: 😳😳😳

Oscar: dont u be getting any ideas I've had enough with them two

Mick: I don't know what you're on about

Oscar: 🤨

Mick: 😯

Oscar: 😉

Lewis: what the hell is going on


Logan: OSCAR!!!!!!

Liam: OSCAR!!!!

Oscar: Oops

Oscar: hehehe

Lando: thats my boy

Lando: 🤭


Nando: you are such a bad influence

Logan: tbf

Liam: Oscars always been like that

Zhou: they're not wrong

Charles: no they're not

George: Wait, how do u know

Charles: arthur

Carlos: fair enough

Alex: I think we're getting away from the point

Pierre: I agree

Lance: that's some kinky shit u guys r into

Super Max: whats going on between them

Oscar: they're dating if it's not obvious

Liam: OSCAR!!!!!

Logan: OSCAR!!!!!

Oscar: WHAT


Oscar: I just sped up the process

Logan: hes got a point

Lewis: now that you have finished traumatising the kids let's move on

Mick: HEY 😡

Mick: im not a kid

Estie: he might not have been on about u

Mick: 🤨

Estie: yeah fair enough

Lance: he probably was

Lewis: I was talking about anyone under 30 not including Carlos

Carlos: im not sure what I should make of that statement

Nando: it's pretty much a compliment

Kevin: it means you're mature

Carlos: I'll take it

Super Max: I think this is the most active that Oscar has been

Zhou: it means he's getting more comfortable around everyone

Lando: id like to think its down to me

Oscar: you're not wrong

Oscar: u have been really helpful and welcoming

Oscar: and u have been really supportive in showing me what to do and really patient as I took time to warm up to u. It has helped me to settle into the team and life into f1 a lot. Especially as you helped me get to grips with the car and motivated me when our start to the season wasn't the best. Without you, I don't think my rookie season would've gone as well and I certainly wouldn't have feeled as welcome into the sport. Thank you Lando. You're the best person a guy could wish to have as a teammate in his rookie season.

Lando: 🥹

Super Max: Awww you've made Lando cry

Lando: im not 😭😭😭

Lando: there's just something in my eyes 😭

Alex: that's so sweet Oscar

Charles: I think u probably broke Lando

Lando: Oscar you have been the best team mate for me this season. You have pushed me to my limit and will keep pushing me. You will help me to become a better driver and without you the car wouldn't be where it is currently. You have helped the development of the car massively. You have supported me when I have been down and celebrated when I've done well even if you haven't. I am lucky and blesses to have you as my team mate. And here's to many more years together

Oscar: 🥹

Oscar: 😭😭😭

George: great now Oscar's broken

Charles: Lando that's adorable

Mick: 🥹😭

Mick: it's so sweet

Lewis: I think everyone has been broken

Mick: cuddle session 🥺

Oscar: coming

Lando: me too

Charles: me three

Nando: I think everyone will come

Alex: yeah let's go

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