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Private chat between Lewis and Max

Lewis: is it okay if I bring someone back to the apartment

Max: yeah

Max: do what u want

Max: it is you're place after all

Lewis: ik

Lewis: just don't want to make u uncomfortable

Max: thanks 😊

Max: but yeah go ahead

Lewis: then we can also talk about that thing I mentioned a while ago

Max: does whoever it is have summat to do with it

Lewis: yeah

Lewis: kinda 😅

Max: kk

Max: c u then

Lewis: c u


"LEWIS! YOU HOME!" Max yelled as he walked into their apartment.

There was no reply, so Max assumed that Lewis hadn't gotten back yet. Well, it gave him time to prepare for whoever Lewis was going to bring home. Honestly, Max just hoped that it wasn't Jos. Or Lando. Other than that, he really didn't mind who Lewis was going to bring back with him.

Just as Max had kicked off his shoes and settled down onto the couch, he heard the door open. There was the sound of laughter, then the door closed, the laughter now contained within the apartment.

"YOU BACK MAX!" Lewis shouted.

"YEAH, IN THE LIVING ROOM!" Max yelled back.

"Max?" Max heard someone say. "Verstappen?"

"Yeah, remember, I told you briefly about it." Max heard Lewis respond.

"Oh yeah."

A couple of seconds later and Lewis and the other person rounded the corner so that Max could see them.

Max's mouth dropped open when he saw who was alongside Lewis. He wasn't going to lie, he was the last person that Max had expected. Or one of the last anyway. Perhaps Max would only have been more surprised if it was Nico. Rosberg.

It was Fernando Alonso.

"Fernando Alonso-Hamilton, actually," Fernando laughed.

Oh, Max must've said that out loud.

"What!?" Max shrieked, in an extremely Lando esque way.

"Ah yeah....erm," Lewis began, scratching his head extremely sheepishly. "I suppose I'd better say that I'm Lewis Alonso-Hamilton as well."

As Max gawked at the two men in front of him, said two men went and sat down on the other couch in the room. Max noticed how they looked at each other, eyes filled with fondness. He was absolutely kicking himself for not noticing it sooner. But, they had done a good job of hiding it. Speaking of which...

"How many people know about you?" Max asked, gesturing between Lewis and Fernando.

"So Danny does," Lewis said.

"And Seb and Oscar," Fernando continued.

"And Val and Mark," Lewis finished.

"They're the only people we know who know for certain," Fernando added. "There could be more."

"Yeah, some people might have some inkling, but we don't know exactly how much they know." Lewis said.

"I have another question," Max started.

"Go on," Lewis said, gesturing for Max to continue.

"How long have you been married? At least I assume you're married."

"Yeah, we are. Erm, we've been married for nearly four years." Fernando answered, praying that he'd gotten the date right. He breathed a quiet sigh of relief when he noticed that Lewis nodded along. "So are we gonna adopt Max then?"

Max spat out his water that he'd just taken a sip of. Even Lewis looked surprised at the question, as if he wasn't expecting it. He probably wasn't. Lewis let out a strangled sort of noise and motioned for Fernando to continue talking.

"I mean, we've already adopted Oscar. I'm sure one more won't hurt. Plus, Oscar can move in, if that's alright with you, Max."

"Hold on, back up a few steps. YOU ADOPTED OSCAR WHEN?" Max cried.

"Erm, it was in 2020. Shortly after Mark became his manager. He was the first person to find out about us. So technically, he's Oscar Piastri Alonso-Hamilton, but he's still known as Oscar Piastri. Makes life easier for everyone. And yes, we do know what he was on about in the chat the other day," Lewis explained. "We just pretend not to know just so people don't ask questions. And to answer your question, Nando, we can adopt Max if Max wants to be adopted."

"I'd like that," Max responded shyly. "Oscar would become my brother then."

"Yep, I mean, we'd need to probably tell Oscar about all this. Then we can adopt you, and you can become Max Alonso-Hamilton. There's enough space for everyone to live here. Including Oscar and his boyfriend and you know, if they're at that stage," Fernando thought out, looking meaningfully at Lewis.

"Just for the record, I don't mind if Oscar moves in," Max said. "I like him."

"Great! Want to talk about it tomorrow then?" Lewis asked, getting up off the couch to grab his phone.

"Yes, please," Max responded shyly again. When Lewis told Max that they needed to talk about something. Max definitely didn't expect to potentially gain two father's and a brother in one go. But Max didn't mind. In fact, he was ecstatic. He'd get a proper family for the first time!


Alonso-Hamilton Fam

Lewis: Oscar we have something to talk to you about tomorrow

Oscar: is everything okay???

Lewis: yeah everything is fine dw

Lewis: you might be getting a brother tho

Oscar: 🥳

Lewis: I'll send u the address and u can bring Arthur and u know who along as well

Lewis: might as well introduce u all at once

Oscar: who is it

Oscar: my hopefully new brother

Lewis: it's Max

Lewis: Verstappen

Lewis: hopefully Alonso-Hamilton soon

Oscar: OKAY 🥳🥳🥳

Oscar: can't wait 🥳


"Right, Oscar is extremely excited," Lewis informed Max, who was now nervously sitting on the edge of the couch. He was chewing on his nails as well, really betraying his nerves.

"Really?" Max asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Oscar will love you."

"I can't wait," Max admitted.

"Neither can I," Fernando added, coming round and hugging Lewis from behind, resting his chin on Lewis's shoulder.

They all shared, nervous but excited, smiles with each other. None of them could wait for what the next day would hold.


A/n: Ive updated again 🥳. Half of this was not planned but it happened anyway. And I'm sorry to those I said I'd do Lewis and Seb, but I couldn't help myself doing Lewis and Fernando instead

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