1K 26 10

Lewis: erm guys, is anybody else stuck at the airport

Charles: the one in monaco???

Lewis: yeah

Charles: oh I am, with Max, George, Nyck, Carlos, Lando, Alex, Pierre, Estie, Lance, Yuki and Zhou

Charles: Basically the entire grid

Val: whats the hold up there

Nyck: we're not sure

Carlos: just none of the flights r taking off

Lewis: where r u guys

George: *sent image*

Lewis: thanks, me and Mick r on our way

Max: Mick's with u

Mick: yeah, he came and picked me up cause i was having a few issues locking up

Lando: have any of u guys seen Oscar

Alex: or Logan

Lance: or any of the older guys on the grid

Checo: well, ive just arrived at the airport with Nando

Nando: yeah, we can hear u guys already

Nando: and to answer your earlier question, no I've not seen Oscar or Logan

Charles: actually Arthur has just text and said that Oscar and Logan took a flight yesterday with him so they r already in Hungary

Logan: hey, whats the hold-up Alex, u should have been here like an hour ago

Oscar: yeah, the tp's r wondering where u r

Lando: theres a hold up at the airport

Checo: I've just been speaking to one of the staff members and they said that the conditions are too windy so its too dangerous for the planes to take off

Checo: So basically, we are going to be stuck here for a little while longer

Alex: Logan, can u inform James about this

Logan: on it

Estie: who is actually in Hungary atm

Nico: Me and Kevin are

Kevin: Daniel is also somewhere around here

Val: I am

Lando: and we already know that Oscar and Logan r there

Nyck: so not many of us

Yuki: Nope

Lewis: the tp's r gonna be pissed

Max: i think some of them would be stuck here as well

Mick: i know that Toto is, hes not happy about it

George: oh god, he keeps spamming us messages in the chat

Charles: u guys have a team chat?????

Lewis: u guys dont?????

Carlos: nope

Alex: how come we didnt know about this George

George: guess it didnt come up in conversation till now

Max: Christian is now spamming me asking where the hell i am

Checo: and me as well, he wants to know if your still alive

Danny: yes for gods sake you two, can one of you pls reply to Christian, hes having kittens

Lewis: for those who dont know, it means that he really nervous or worried

Danny: especially with Jos being at the track

Danny: hes asking me every few minutes if your okay

Max: right, ive left him know im still alive

Danny: thank god for that, now hes having to go and sort out the pr and stuff because half the grid is missing

Pierre: Best stay away from him then

Carlos: its not Christian u want to worry about

Alex: its Helmut

Danny: dont worry, im staying right out of his way

Mick: hold on, did u say that Jos is at the track

Danny: yeah, unfortunately

Estie: oh no

Lance: this is bad for all of us

Max: huh, well i'll just need to win then i suppose

Mick: by a good margin

Max: no pressure then

Mick: nope

George: Hallelujah

Zhou: what

George: flights r back up and running

Alex: we should be on a plane shortly

Oscar: I'll let Zak know

Logan: and I'll inform James

Lando: thanks guys ur the best

Oscar: 😊


Private chat between Lewis and Max

Lewis: Max, if u ever want your father banned from the track and the paddock, just say the word and I'll make it happen

Max: How???

Lewis: i have contacts who have a lot of power

Max: surely it benefits u with me having my father at the track

Lewis: not really, he really off-putting and it makes it difficult for the rest of us to race

Lewis: plus im more worried about ur safety than anything else

Lewis: and im sure that everybody else is as well

Lewis: we'd rather have u winning and alive than any other alternative

Max: thanks, i'll let u know then

Lewis: 👍


A/n: Just in case anybody was wondering, 'tp' stands for team principal

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