871 21 12

Lance: Oh thank god that were going back to racing soon

Alex: ikr

Charles: ive been soooooo bored

Super Max: why dont we all meet up before we have to head off to the netherlands

Lando: that sounds like a good idea

Logan: but not everyone is in Monaco

Nando: hmm is oscar back from his trip yet

Charles: oh I can answer that one

Charles: he is cause he came to tea with arthur yesterday at my mums house

Charles: i was also there

Oscar: yeah it was fun

Lando: great that means u can come as well since ur in Monaco

Mick: where shall we go

George: lets go to a club

Lewis: as second oldest

Lando: *and current grid dad*

Lewis: absolutely NOT

Lewis: also what do u mean by current grid dad

Alex: ur the person that the younger drivers on the grid go to if they have any problems

George: it used to be Seb, and u but now its just u

Lewis: is that why I get random visits from u all even more so than usual

Charles: yep

Checo: yeah that's a really bad idea going back to what we were on about before

Lewis: i point blank refuse to baby u all after u drink too much alcohol

Lewis: especially after what happened last time

Nando: can't believe im saying this but i agree with lewis here

Carlos: 🙀🙀🙀

Yuki: omg 😲

Estie: lewis and fernando agreeing with each other

Pierre: the world is officially coming to an end

Lewis: 😂😂😂

Danny: anywho that doesn't solve the problem if what we're gonna do

George: Wait

George: lewissssss

Lewis: Oh no 😔

Lewis: yes

George: ur apartment is big so maybe we could all go round and watch a movie or something

Yuki: I like that idea

Zhou: has the potential to be chaos

Val: all ideas r gonna be chaos

Kevin: that idea is just the least chaos

Lance: well, im in

Super Max: same

Alex: and me

Lewis: Wait a sec I haven't even agreed to this

Mick: please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Lewis: Ugh my only weakness

Lewis: fine I suppose we can use my apartment as a movie theatre

Charles: YOUR THE BEST ❤️

Lewis: thanks????

Pierre: 😆🤣

Nyck: can I come?????

Super Max: absolutely

Mick: wouldn't be the same without u

Nyck: 🧡🧡🧡

Yuki: sorry but me and Zhou wont be able to come we're not gonna be in monaco for a while

Kevin: neither can i

Nico: or me

Val: yeah sorry Lewis im on a bike ride so youll have to look after the kids urself

Lewis: right that makes it, if ive counted correctly about 17 people, including me, at my flat

Checo: thats gonna be a full flat

Lewis: ikr

Estie: so what day, time

Danny: say two days

Lewis: yeah and come round say half five and we can also get takeaways

Super Max: yessss, a cheat day

Nando: great thats sorted then

Logan: c everyone then

Oscar: just a question

Lewis: yeah, go on Oscar

Oscar: can Arthur come as well

Logan: 🤭

Lewis: absolutely im sure we can squeeze another person in

Oscar: great thanks

Lando: u do have a girlfriend dont u Oscar

Oscar: yeah, she's away so yeah

Alex: Huh


Private chat between Logan, Lando and Alex

Logan: Erm Lando, Alex

Lando: Yeah

Alex: sup

Logan: what do u think about Oscar's gf

Lando: not sure

Lando: not a huge fan of her tho

Alex: Well kinda sounds sus that some of the only time Oscar has off, she's not there

Lando: Yeah she seems to avoid spending time with him

Alex: Why????

Logan: I just want u to keep an eye on her cause both me and Fred don't trust her

Lando: will do

Alex: Same

Logan: thanks a lot 😌


"Max!" Lewis said loudly to Max who was in the lounge


"I'm not sure what to do," Lewis said as he plonked himself down on the sofa next to Max as he had made his way from the 'music' room.

"Whacha mean?" Max asked, confused.

"Well my apartment is going to be used and I haven't really stepped foot in there for like a month. The only time I've gone there is to collect stuff to move here and people will ask questions as to where I've been staying."

"Hmm why don't we go to your apartment now and stay till after everyone comes round to make it look lived in."

"Yeah that's actually a good idea."

"Great shall we go round now?"


Max and Lewis got some of their things packed up as, as far as Lewis could remember, there was not a lot of stuff actually left at Lewis's apartment. About an hour later and they were heading down to Lewis's car and setting off to the apartment across the other side of the city. When they got there, Lewis opened the door, and they just did a quick tour around the place to make sure that everything that had been left was where it should be. Thankfully, it was so they both went and started moving things around to make it look like there was more furniture and stuff in than there was. Just over an hour later and the apartment was ready to receive its first visitors for over a month in a couple of days.


A/n: The movie night will be in the next chapter 🥰

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