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3 amigos

Fred: dude, he wont stop talking about you

Logan: ikr, like every time i talk to him, all he does is constantly talk about u

Fred: its non stop

Oscar: im sure its not that bad guys

Fred: erm it is

Fred: oh now how do we phrase it

Logan: oh

Logan: lemme put it like this

Logan: right u know how Lando always talks to u about a certain person constantly

Oscar: yeah

Logan: imagine then, me being u and him being Lando

Oscar: oh 😮

Fred: yep, its all the time

Logan: come-on man u need to do something about it

Oscar: but it may jeopardise my f1 career plus I have a girlfriend anyway

Fred: well dont let him know then

Logan: and just dump her, u clearly don't like her much anyway

Fred: yeah besides I don't trust her

Oscar: i'll think about it guys

Logan: pls do 


There was a slight tension around the paddock as the grid was virtually walking on eggshells due to Jos Verstappen being there, with Max being the one most obviously affected due to what had happened a week earlier. At this moment in time, Max was wandering quickly through the hospitality section to try and avoid his father, who he had seen near the Red Bull section. His walk had taken him past Mclaren where he saw Oscar staring and typing on his phone. Max decided to go over and talk to the young rookie who he hadn't had the pleasure of having a proper conversation with yet. As he walked over, he saw a look of realisation come over Oscars face, followed by a look of somebody facing a dilemma. 

"Hello Oscar," Max said as he approached the Aussie, who jumped.

"Max, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Oscar asked as he got over his initial shock at somebody talking to him. 

"Oh I was just seeing how you are doing, we don't really see very much of you in the chat," Max explained.

"I'm doing fine, thanks, why don't you come inside so the media don't get any ideas," Oscar suggested.

Max agreed, seeing that it was an extremely good idea from Oscar, and they both went inside the Mclaren hospitality unit and up to Oscar's drivers room. Looking around Oscar's room, Max noticed that the Aussie was fairly tidy, the opposite of Lando, and there were a few pictures of his family placed in various places around the room. There was also pictures from when he won the junior categories and pictures from nights out with his teammates and friends. 

"Take a seat," Oscar said, cutting into Max's thoughts and observations.

Max did sit down on the couch along one of the walls, and Oscar went and made himself comfy on the treatment bench/massage table/whatever it needed to be used for across from Max.

"Hmm, when's this picture from?" Max asked, pointing to a picture where a very drunk Arthur Leclerc had his arms wrapped around the shoulders of an equally drunk Oscar, both of their cheeks flushed red.

"Oh that one was taken last year," Oscar replied with a fond look on his face, "Arthur insisted that we went and celebrated my f2 win properly since we couldn't do it in 2021, you know with covid and all that. I think the picture was taken at the end of the night by Fred."

"Nice, I have a lot of pictures like that from when we go out drinking and partying."

"You do it often then."

"Not that often," Max laughed, "although with how many stories we have from the nights out, people do tend to think that it happens more often than it does."

Oscar started laughing as well, and Max was pleased and surprised to get such a response out of him considering how closed off he usually is. As the conversation continued, Max grew more and more fond of the young driver, and felt the need to protect him. During the conversation, there was a knock at the door, and Oscar got up to answer it. Oscar opened the door a crack and Max heard Oscar talking to whoever it was on the other side of the door in a hushed voice. The door was then fully opened as Oscar stepped to the side to let whoever it was in. Of course it was Lando.

"Max, what are you doing here?" Lando asked in shock.

"Erm, just having a conversation with your teammate," Max replied, stuttering ever so slightly.

"Right, I'll leave you two to it," Oscar said with a cheeky grin on his face, "Logan wants to meet up with me."

"How do you know, you haven't even checked your phone," Max said, praying that he wasn't going to be left alone with Lando as his face started heating up.

"Oh, we arranged to meet up earlier," Oscar said nonchalantly as he sidled out of the room, his grin becoming even bigger and Max could've sworn that he heard Oscar start to giggle as he walked out of the Mclaren hospitality unit.

"So erm Lando, what do you wanna do?" Max asked, trying to break the awkward silence that had descended between to two drivers as Oscar had left them.

"Why don't we go back to the hotel and play fifa, we can invite some of the other guys along as well. I mean I've finished everything I need to do here for today," Lando suggested.

"Yeah, that's not a bad idea, I'm also no longer needed here either."

"That's great, lets go then."

Lando walked out of the Mclaren hospitality unit with Max following closely behind, both of them making sure to avoid any media and journalists who would try and create rumors. Max was also making sure to avoid his father, who he had evaded successfully so far.

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