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Lando: has anybody heard from Oscar

George: no

Super Max: Why???

Lando: cause mclaren want to go out with him to celebrate his win

Charles: Congrats about that BTW Oscar 🥳

Zhou: yeah it was very deserved 👏

Alex: Logan u heard anything

Logan: Well he told me he was going to see his gf so

Logan: hold on a sec

George: kk


Private chat between Logan and Arthur

Arthur: Logan, u there

Logan: Hey sup

Arthur: it's Oscar

Logan: whats happened I thought he went to see his gf

Arthur: he did

Arthur: it didn't go well

Logan: what happened

Arthur: not fully sure

Arthur: hes with me sobbing

Logan: oh god

Arthur: i think shes been cheating on him

Logan: i thought that something like this might be happening

Logan: they have broken up now haven't they

Arthur: yeah

Arthur: think Oscar was gonna break up with her anyway but it's just u know

Logan: yeah

Logan: how longs it been going on

Logan: the cheating

Arthur: think all throughout their relationship

Logan: fuck id better not see her anywhere near Oscar ever again

Arthur: agreed

Arthur: okay gotta go now me and Oscar r gonna get shit drunk 2nite

Logan: pls be careful

Arthur: we will


Private chat between Logan and Fred

Logan: it's happened

Fred: whats happened

Logan: Oscar and his gf have broken up

Fred: finally

Logan: yeah but from what hes said to arthur and what arthur told me his gf has been cheating on him

Fred: fucking knew something like this would happen

Logan: yeah but I didn't think that it would be throughout the entirety of their relationship

Fred: WHAT 😡

Fred: she's been in a relationship with another man the entire time she's been with Oscar

Logan: Yep at least that's what Arthur could make out from what Oscar told him

Fred: oscars with arthur???

Logan: Yep 🤭

Logan: arthur said they're gonna get hammered

Fred: i mean i would as well if that shit happened to me

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