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Lando: So is everybody here

Lando: and by everybody I mean the people who havent shown their faces

Danny: Hi guys

Val: Really, this again?????

George: Thats exactly what Carlos said yesterday

Lewis: I thought that we had escaped all this

Lance: What do u mean by that

Estie: Yeah, u cant just say that then not expand on it

Checo: Shall we tell them

Nando: Is it a good idea

Danny: Of course its not a good idea

Danny: Still doesnt mean that we cant tell them

Kevin: Just tell them for fucks sake


Lewis: Its like Seb is still here

Charles: Talking of Seb, he says that u should call him at the earliest opportunity

Charles: Not sure what its about tho

Lewis: Ah, thanks Charles

Alex: Anyway, lets not get off track

Super Max: What were u guys going on about earlier

Lewis: Just tell them somebody

Val: Its not like its a dark secret or something

Nando: For some people *cough* Lewis *cough* it might

Lance: Omg, i cant believe u just did that

Pierre: Ikr

Nando: What exactly did I do

Estie: u put an action in asterisk

Nando: People dont do that?

Super Max: No, no they dont

Nando: Huh

Lando: Going off track again

Val: Carlos can tell u

Carlos: ERM, NO

Carlos: It should be Danny

Nando: I would suggest Lewis but i assume hes busy on the phone to Sebastian

Nando: So Danny can do it

Danny: Alright, i'll tell them

Yuki: we r still here u know

Danny: well there used to be a group chat back in the day

Nyck: What happened to it


Carlos: Yes, its not a completely original idea

Danny: we kinda got rid of the chat due to the amount of drama it caused

Val: It was also how distracted we got due to the chat

Nando: the engineers really got sick and tired of us on our phones all the time due to the chat

Logan: Well that was anticlimactic

Alex: I agree, I though it would have been a massive scandal sort of thing

Zhou: Yeah, in the end it was barely anything

Carlos: In our defence, we never said that it was interesting

Val: The only reason we were reluctant to tell you was because we agreed to pretend that it never happened so we just didn't want to bring it back up again

Super Max: Well we're sorry for bringing it back up again 

Danny: Don't worry about it you guys, but please try not to talk about it again

Lewis: There are still some mildly traumatising things that we are still trying to get over from that chat

Super Max: Wait, when was the chat actually deleted

Nando: 2017 i believe

Val: partway through the season

Super Max: Why wasn't I part of it then

Checo: we stopped adding drivers after 2015

Super Max: but thats the year I debued, the same year as Carlos

Nando: Seb didn't want to add you, due to you being really young and we didn't want to traumatise you

Super Max: Oh, thanks I guess

Danny: okay, enough talk about the chat now


A/n: If you guys want to see anything specific in the fic then please put it in the comments and I'll try and include it if it fits in with the general idea that I have planned. However, it will be quite a bit later on because I have a lot of chapters already written and waiting in the pipeline to be published

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