1K 24 18

When it came to the start of the race a couple of days later, the commentators were picking up on how all the drivers were acting strangely around the paddock that day. The cars were all lined up on the grid and despite Nyck qualifying ahead of Yuki, it still wasn't enough to save his seat. As the light went out, a couple of the cars ahead of Nyck made a slow start so Nyck zoomed past them and up into 10th straight off the bat. Now its over to Martin and Crofty.

"And what a start from Nyck de Vries, who has jumped up from p14 to p10 even before the first corner, passing both ferrari's, the Alpine of Esteban Ocon and the Williams of Alex Albon."

"That's right Crofty, and with his seat under threat, Nyck needs a perfect race and lots of points in the bag. This start will fill him up with nothing but confidence for the rest of the race."

"Well, the confidence is definitely there as he makes a late lunge into the corner of turn eleven on Pierre Gasly who gets all out of sorts going onto the straight and into turn twelve."

"Yes, and this has allowed Nyck to take the inside line, but he can't get through there. And he makes the move into turn 13 and Nyck de Vries is into p9, what a fabulous move."

"And a brave move Martin, not many drivers would have tried that into that corner but Nyck de Vries has, and boy has it payed off. Gasly tried to fight it, but ultimately Nyck had the better line and just sidled on by, currently scoring two points." 

"Next up on the road is Fernando Alonso, Checo Perez and Lance Stroll all scrapping over p6 currently."

"Coming away from Nyck for a bit, I just want to talk about the drivers out front, so Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen and George Russell, they have not pulled away like I thought they would Martin, I mean both the Mclarens are still in contention for a podium here."

"That's right Crofty, they haven't pulled out any real gap to the cars behind them, but that could have something to do with them all scrapping with each other over the lead, if they don't stop doing that then the Mclarens will come into play and possibly even the cars further back."


"Now's the time for some of the medium runners to start to pit as...."

"Sorry to interrupt Martin, but Nyck has now fully closed up on the back of the Alonso, Perez, Stroll fight for p6, or as it is now the Perez, Alonso, Stroll fight. Alonso managed to pass Perez into turn one a couple of laps ago."

"I think it is worth just keeping on eye on this fight just for now as it is heating up a little bit."

"And Nyck has sent the car going into the the third corner and has managed to squeeze his way past the Red Bull of Sergio Perez, who I think just didn't see de Vries coming."

"I agree, and he probably didn't expect Nyck to make the move into that corner either, I certainly didn't. And now Nyck is on the gearbox of Alonso who is still going at it with his teammate."

"Instead of fighting with each other, I think that their race engineers should be on the radio and telling their drivers to stop fighting and work together to keep themselves ahead of the Alpha Tauri behind them."

"If they don't then both Aston Martin drivers could end up paying the price. It could be like Silverstone all over again with Hamilton getting past both Leclerc and Perez in one corner as the drivers were busy fighting each other."

"It could be like Silverstone Martin, and in fact it is like Silverstone as Nyck manages to get the scrapping Aston's into turn one. And Nyck de Vries, the driver who's seat is massively under threat is up into p6 and chasing down the Mclarens."


"Alpha Tauri are calling Nyck de Vries in as the safety car comes out for the Haas of Nico Hulkenberg, who is stranded at turn 5."

"De Vries is not the only car coming in as all of the top runners are also being called in with both Mercedes and Mclaren trying to pull off a double stack."

"And the double stack hasn't really worked out, with the cars for both teams being really close to each other so both the second cars had to wait for a bit and this has allowed de Vries to make up two places in the pits and he's now up into 4th place, he could get a podium at this rate Martin."

"He could indeed Crofty, but it would still be quite a challenge due to the cars in front and behind him, but I agree that it is still a possibility that he could make the podium if there is a mistake from any of the drivers ahead."

"And the safety car should be coming in this lap, with the Haas car now being cleared off the circuit, and the safety car is indeed coming in this lap, get ready for it to go green and the racing to resume with twenty laps to go."

"Hamilton sets off early and racing is back underway as they all cross the start finish line with de Vries already clinging to the gearbox of Piastri as they head round the first corner. They're battling as the go into turns two and three, will de Vries be able to pull off an overtake before we reach turn four?"

"He will indeed Martin as Nyck goes the long way round the outside of the corner and manages to haul himself up into the podium places, up next are the squabbling cars of Verstappen and Hamilton."

"Yes according to the battle forecast, Nyck should be right up with them in the next couple of laps because despite them fighting each other, they are still putting out a decent amount of pace to build a slight gap whilst Nyck was getting past Oscar."


"We can see Alex Albon's Williams catching up with the Red Bull of Sergio Perez, that seems to be really struggling on the medium tyres."

"Yes, but I just want to take you away from that for a bit as we see Nyck de Vries finally on the tails of Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton out front. And if you have just joined us, this is a battle for position, Nyck de Vries has not been lapped and is currently in third."

"And Nyck is just biding his time behind the two drivers in front of him whilst they fight for the lead. He could pull of a move similar to the one he made on the two Aston's earlier on in the race."

"That might be his best chance at getting past them Crofty."

"You might be right Martin, and as Hamilton and Verstappen both go wide, Nyck manages to get past them both. AND NYCK DE VRIES IS LEADING A FORMULA ONE RACE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS CAREER." 

"There's ten laps left of this exciting and quite unusual race, can Nyck hold on and win?"

"I don't know Martin, but it looks like he is going to give it his best shot, as he has already started pulling out a gap from the still squabbling Red Bull and Mercedes."


"Its the final lap, and de Vries is still holding out a narrow lead over Lewis Hamilton in second and Max Verstappen, just behind him in third."

"I think that Nyck is going to win this, Hamilton and Verstappen are just running out of time to do anything about it."

"And as Nyck de Vries comes round the final corner, he is already starting to celebrate and ladies and gentlemen, NYCK DE VRIES WINS THE HUNGARIAN GRAND PRIX, THE DRIVERS WHO'S SEAT WAS AT RISK HAS PULLED OFF A BRILLIANT RACE TO WIN HIS FIRST EVER FORMULA ONE GRAND PRIX."

"And Lewis comes home to finish second with Max right on his tail to finish third, what an unbelievable race."


A/n: Is everything as it seems????? I don't think so, but you'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out what's going on 😏

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