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Danny: Oscar its not your fault

Lewis: yeah dont believe anything that people r saying online

Danny: i would much rather run into a wall than run into u and potentially kill u

Nico: its all a part of racing Danny knew what he was doing

Kevin: it is completely not your fault

Danny: i will be back before Vegas anyway

Nando: Danny is tough he will bounce back

Lewis: Oscar

Lewis: U there 

Lewis: none of us t drivers think that its your fault

Val: yeah nobody's angry with u or anything

Alex: Logs u heard anything

Logan: no sorry, hes not answering

Nando: pls tell me that somebody has gone to check on him

Charles: why?

Charles: i dont mean it in a mean way or anything, just curious

Lewis: well although Oscar seems physically okay he still took quite a shunt

Nando: and he may not be mentally okay

Super Max: maybe Lando has heard from him

Super Max: they r teammates after all

Danny: good idea

Carlos: Lando

Lewis: Lando u there mate

George: i can go and check at mclaren if u want

Logan: best not

Logan: oscar wouldnt want u there

Lando: hi 

Lando: oscar is with me

Lewis: oh thank god

Nando: how is he

Lando: shook up

Lando: hyperventalating

Lando: panicking

Lando: throwing up

Lando: shaking

Lando: crying

Lando: a general mess

Lando: he thinks that everyone hates him

Lando: especially u Dan

Lando: unfortunately he got on social media before i could stop him

Lewis: shit

Val: so hes seen what everybodys been saying about him

Lando: yep 

Lando: ive took his phone from him now though

Lando: thats why he hasnt answered

Danny: would it be better if i came over

Danny: to reassure him that i dont hate him and will be okay

Lando: erm probably

Lando: i dont think he would believe u otherwise

Logan: no he wouldnt

Danny: right im on my way down

Super Max: so can we add Danny's replacement

Yuki: dont see why not

George: id do it but i dont have his number

Logan: ill do it

Logan adds Liam

Liam: erm whats this

Logan: LI!!!!!!!!!

Liam: LO!!!!!!!!!!!

Nico: this is the definition of chaos

Lewis: its a groupchat

George: it has all the 2023 drivers in

Nyck: im still here as well for some reason

Super Max: and your not going anywhere either

Charles: and Mick is also here as well 

Mick: hi 

Liam: hi guys

Liam: its an honour

Liam: hows Osc tho

Logan: hes as youd expect

Liam: ah 

Oscar: hi Li

Nando: Oscar how r u

Oscar: you guys dont hate me

Charles: of course we dont

Alex: it wasnt your fault

Pierre: it was an accident

Danny: yeah i shouldve been more careful

Oscar: well if your sure u don't hate me

Lewis: trust us we don't

Charles: why dont we go out to a club

George: and Oscar

Oscar: yeah

Alex: your not getting out of this

Lando: don't worry guys me and Daniel will make sure he comes along

Super Max: right, let's go then

Private chat between Max and Lewis

Lewis: Max

Max: yeah

Lewis: I need to talk to you about something when we get home

Max: okay then 😊

Max: is it good or bad

Lewis: erm, good I think

Max: 👍

Max: I'll be waiting

Max: okay I didn't mean to make it sound that creepy

Lewis: 😂😂😂

Lewis: its fine

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