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Upon realising who it was, Max gave a gasp of surprise...

"Lewis!" Max said surprised, "what are you doing."

"Isn't it obvious, I'm rescuing you from your father."

"But you despise me, why would you do this."

"Oh Max," Lewis said exasperatedly, "I don't despise you, you are just a really difficult human being to deal with sometimes and it can make it seem like I despise you when I don't. Also I'm doing this because nobody deserves what your father is doing to you."

"Erm, thanks I guess but where are we going, my father will most likely be able to find us if we go to your apartment."

"Its a surprise."

With the knowledge that he was in safer hands, Max relaxed into the passenger seat of the car running over all of his previous interactions with Lewis wondering what he had missed. With the eventual conclusion to the thoughts being he didn't know he started wondering where on earth they were going. Max knew roughly which apartment block Lewis lived in and they were definitely not going in that direction unless he was taking the long route to throw his father off. However, the longer the journey took, the more Max figured they were not going to Lewis's apartment, instead they were heading towards one of the higher end apartment blocks where one apartment could be upwards of a couple of million euros to buy. Lewis was rich, but even Max knew that he wouldn't be able to really afford one of those apartments, not with the amount of time they actually had to spend at home.

Surprisingly (or not) Lewis did stop in front of the high-end apartment block and got out of the car. It came as a slight surprise to Max when Lewis got out the car as he was daydreaming, so Max scrambled to follow Lewis inside. They took a lift up to one of the upper floors where Lewis took out a key and opened a door to one of the apartments and ushered Max inside. After the slight rush of trying not to be spotted was over, Max broke the silence.

"Wow, how did you afford this place, I know you earn a lot of money but surely even this is out of your pay bracket," Max said, hoping not to offend Lewis.

"Your right," Lewis laughed, "normally, I wouldn't be able to afford it but it was going very cheap because it needed a lot of work doing to it. So I bought it five years ago and have been doing renovation on it ever since. I wanted it for my eventual retirement from f1 but you can stay here, nobody knows I own the place so your father has no way of connecting you to the place."

"Well you've done a good job with the place."

"Thanks, now here are the keys and yeah, just make yourself at home."

Lewis handed Max the keys he used earlier and made to leave the out the door when Max's hand shot out and grabbed his arm. Shocked, Lewis stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Max, wondering what was going on.

"Max?" Lewis questioned.

"I'm sorry," Max said.

"No need to be sorry, just what's going on."

"Please can you stay here with me, I don't want my dad to find me," Max said nervously, his voice wavering.

"Of course I can stay, I can stay as long as you like," Lewis said comfortingly and Max gave a small smile.


Private chat between Mick and Max

Mick: Max

Mick: Max

Mick: Max

Mick: Max

Mick: Max r u ok

Mick: Charles said he saw u running

Mick: he said u looked panicked

Mick: is is ur father

Mick: Max pls answer, im getting worried

Max: im fine Mick

Mick: oh, thank god for that

Max: it was my dad, he was really mad so i ran

Mick: oh Maxy, how r u

Max: a little shaken but otherwise physically okay

Mick: where r u at now

Max: somewhere safe, i would tell u but i want to wait a bit to make sure my father can't find me

Mick: thats fine, just as long as ur okay 😊🤍

Max: 🤍❤🤍


So in other news I got my GCSE results today, the most nerve-wracking experience in my entire life. Thankfully, I did pass everything with a good margin to spare.

And F1 is back on this weekend, time to get ready to hear the Dutch national anthem again.

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