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i woke up curled up in Rudy's arms.
Gosh I'm so lucky, I sat up. Knowing rudy was probably tired from taking care of me I let him sleep in.
I tipped toed to the guest bathroom, sitting myself on the ground.
I could feel it, I was gonna throw up sooner than later. I scrolled on my phone until it happened, I was practically puking my guts out. That's when I felt hands hold my hair back, "huh?" I said before getting cut off by myself, puking again.
"Your ok, it's me princess." Rudy said as he held my hair back for me again.

Feeling better I flopped into rudys arms, my body shaking from puking.
"Your ok, your good." Rudy whispered in my ear,I listened to his heart beat. "I'm ok" I said sitting up, "here, let's get you some water." Rudy said leading me to the kitchen. "What time will Anthony get here?" I asked as Rudy got me a water bottle.
"He should be here around 10:00" rudy said looking up at the clock, "so two hours" I said happily, "yup, why what do you have planned?" Rudy said raising an eyebrow. "I want to give you a facial!" I said clapping my hands together fastly, "nope no not gonna happen." Rudy said shaking his head, "mm, please! Please!" I beg him. "Fine!" He said as i dragged him to our room.
"Sit." I commanded. I ran to the bathroom grabbing my skin care. "Put this on!" I said handing him a purple headband, " any other colors?" Rudy said in a sad tone, "nope, and I think purple suits you." I said confidently, "yea I'm putting this on right now!" Rudy said putting it on quickly, "simp" I whispered, "dam right!" Rudy said hearing me, I giggled.

" I said confidently, "yea I'm putting this on right now!" Rudy said putting it on quickly, "simp" I whispered, "dam right!" Rudy said hearing me, I giggled

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My babes is letting me do skin care ❤️

"I'm nervous" Rudy said pacing around the living room, "why, babe come sit." I said tapping on the couch.
"No, I have to open the door. I need to great him!" Rudy said turning towards the door. "Rudy, come sit." I said seriously, Rudy walked over and took a seat avoiding eye contact, "hey, look at me." I said creasing Rudy's cheek, he looked over to me.
"My brother is easy to empress. He already loves you cause you love me." I said giving him a kiss, he smiled happily.
Just then the doorbell rang and little barks came from the door, "let's go together." I said reaching out for his hand.
He took his hand in mine as we both walked to the door, "mami! Ayuda odio a este charlatan! (Mami!help I hate this yapper!" My brother said practically handing JJ over to me. Rudy looked at me confused, "brother! Bring it in!" My brother said hugging Rudy.

"Anyways, Rudy. This is JJ!" I said handing JJ over to Rudy, JJ licked Rudy's face. "He loves you." I said as I took him out of his hands, putting him down to wonder around the house.
"So, how is life in pardise?" My brother said walking around the house, "hola? I'm waiting" my brother said, "oh um, no we're good." I said, "ay, Anthony why don't you sit?" I said trying to get him to stop inspecting everything, "no, we have to unload." My brother said heading back outside, "sorry about him. They act like this in Mexico. It's how everyone does." I said laughing, "yea, let's go help him." Rudy said with a wide grin on his face, usually everyone is upset by how my brother and family acts. Rudy was happy?

:" here Rudy you take her clothes, Maria take this." He said handing us boxes.
Me and Rudy both carried the boxes inside, we went in and out bringing stuff out and in, that process repeated for about 2 hours.

"Hey you want to invite your brother to say here?" Rudy said as we sat on the couch, "oh I think he already left to his hotel" I said chuckling, "want to go with me to see?" I said grabbing my keys, "no, I'll clean up, go see your brother, I'm sure you've missed him." Rudy said giving me a kiss on the cheek before going to the kitchen. "Ok, I love you." I said as I left the house.
I slide into Rudy's car, turning it on and playing my playlist. I drove to his hotel humming as I did.

"Hello? Oh sis." My brother said, "hola [hello" I said as I walked in, "what are you doing here?" My brother questioned, "Rudy and I wanted to know if you wanted to stay at our place" I said smiling at him, "with you?" No thanks." My brother said scoffing, "with me? What's that mean" I said laughing in disbelief, "it means your a slut. It means I don't want to be in a house with a slut." My brother spit at me, "excuse me?" I said getting in his face, "Maria! I know you fucked my friends!" Anthony screamed in my face, "who!?!" I yelled back, "Marcus! Ceaser! Mark!" My brother screamed, getting closer to me as I backed up.
I could feel it rising, the disgustingness, the betrayal, the sadness. "What? Got nothing to say cause your such a slut, huh?" My brother said looking me up in down, "move." I said pushing pass him.

I ran out of the hotel, practically jumping into Rudy's car as tears streamed down my face.
I hit myself, pulled my hair out of anger. I turned on the car, driving home with shaking hands and a blurry vision.
Stumbling inside the apartment, Rudy wasn't here. He left a note, I didn't read it but crumbled it.

I threw my phone across the room, JJ running into his dog house as I did.
I screamed in tears, falling to the ground. Right beside me was boxes full of glass, I opened it hoping for any good memories.
Tears streaming down my face, I found a glass photo. It was of them, mark, Marcus, ceaser. I threw it, screaming as I did.
I pulled out all the glass throughing it everywhere, crying and screaming.
"FUCKKKK" I screamed as tears spilled down my face, I had put my hand in glass. I cried harder, running to the bathroom try to get water on the deep cut.
As I put my hand under the water it burned and began to hurt harder, I fell to the ground in more pain.

Curled up crying and holding my hand I sat their, getting flash backs, the feeling all coming back up.

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