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Rudy's pov
I walked up the stairs to me and Maria's apartment, everyone was outside staring at our front door.
"Hi?" I said as they all quickly went inside, i shrugged before opening the front door.
Our house, it was a mess. Glass was everywhere, Maria's boxes where ripped and ruined. Glass crunched under my feet as I entered and mumbled cries could be heard.
JJ was curled up in his cage, Maria's phone was shattered on the ground beside a bunch more glass.

"Babe!?! Maria!" I yelled, looking for her but no sight.
I ran to our room, looking around until I saw the bathroom door cracked open.
I ran to it, "Maria!" I said as I spotted her. "no" she said shaking her head, "Maria, what happened" I ran down to her, she just cried harder, I went to pull her into me but she flinched. I backed up confused before seeing red blood run down her arm, " Maria, your bleeding let me see it!" I said reaching for her arm. "No!" She cried as I revealed her cut hand, "what, what happened? Did you do this to yourself?" I said as tears formed in my eyes, did I hurt her? Why is she crying, what happened?
"Stand up." I said sternly, she stood up shaky before i picked her up myself. I placed her on the counter before grabbing the first aid kit that was in the cabinet. "Rudy" she said crying, "princess, we'll talk about it later. I need to focus on taking care of you." I said ignoring her pleading and cleaning up her cut.

I picked her up and brought her to our bed.
"What happened." I said as she got comfortable, "I- um." She stuttered, I went to go clean, clearly she needed sometime.
"Rudy please!" She said as she noticed me walking out, "no, you need to calm down." I said worried, I went to turn away again.
"Rudy I was raped!" She screamed, i paused in place. "Rudy please don't leave I'll explain!" She cried walking forward to me, I turned towards her bring her into my arms not letting go of her. She melted in my arms, falling I sat down quickly so I would still catch her. She just cried in my arms, "your ok, I'm with you." I said trying to calm her down. "Make it stop!" She screamed, realizing she's scared and stuck in her trauma I turned her facing me, "look at me! Maria look at me." I said as she looked up at me, "your not their, your here. With me." I said, I was pissed. Who ever hurt her should be killed, she's to kind, she didn't deserve it.

"Rudy, are you hurt." She said calming down looking at my arms, "no no, stop." I said grab hands, "what happened." I said looking into her eyes for any details. "I- I" she stuttered, "Maria, who hurt you." I said looking at her desperately, "everyone." She cried again, my chest suddenly hurt. Did she mean everyone as in who she told, or am I apart of that?
"Rudy I- my brothers friends" she cried harder, I stuttered on my words. "When I went to Mexico, I was with them and they all trapped me in the bathroom, I tried to stop it!" She cried harder, "I'm not lying! Rudy I promise!" She cried, I just held her, why would she think I think she's lying? "They told my brother that I fucked them. He called me a slut, said he didn't want to stay here with me." She cried holding onto me tighter, "I tried to tell my dad, he didn't believe me! He hit me and kicked me out." She cried holding her head, "I tried to tell them" she said now moving away from me, "I believe you." I said looking at her in the eyes, "Maria, I believe you." I said coming towards her.

She curled up in my arms crying, "I just needed someone to believe me, no one did and even now my brother doesn't!" She cried, my jaw clenched as I heard how horrible her family treated her.
"Rudy, please don't leave me." She said quietly, "never." I said kissing the top of her head. I stayed their on the ground, whispering sweet words as she calmed down, soon falling asleep in my arms.
I quietly layed her down, tucking her in the sheet of our room.

I walked out to the living room, picking up her phone and keys.
I then grabbed the broom, sweeping and mopping the floor. I picked up her boxes, saving any belongings she had and placing them around the house. I found one photo, it was Maria and her mom. Her mom was in a hospital bed and Maria had bruises covering her but stood beside her mom, smiling through her own tears. I put the photo on our fridge, before throwing the empty boxes away.
"Come on JJ, it's ok." I said picking him up, I put on his harness and leash, taking him outside for any bathroom uses.

Walking back up the apartment was clean again, I placed her phone on the counter so I could wake up and take it to a phone store and fix it.
I then placed JJ back in his dog house along with a potty pad, a toy, water, and his bed. I then grabbed myself new clothes and took a shower in the guess bathroom, trying not to wake up Maria.
Walking back into me and Maria's room I removed my shirt and got in bed with her, pulling her close and holding her as I fell asleep.

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