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I woke up as my alarm went off, it was 5:30 the time Rudy told me I would have to wake up for work.
I sat up as I heard Rudy sing a song as he got dressed, turning around rudy almost jumped in place. I smiled sleepily, "good morning princess.' Rudy said kissing my fore head, "mm, I'm tired." I groaned sitting up, "don't worry, wear something comfortable. You'll just change into your characters outfit too." Rudy said smiling at me, I nodded my head and grabbed my thrifted shorts and a grey tank top, I put them on before grabbing Rudy's hoodie and put it on along with my hair in a bun and ofc I did my daily routine.

"Ready?' Rudy said smiling at me and JJ who were waiting by the door, JJ barked as I laughed. "Yes we are." I said holding Rudy's hand before we both walked out and got into his car.

"I'm nervous.' I said as we pulled up to set, "don't be, trust me.' He said kissing me softly, I gave him a smile before getting out.
I put JJ down and he smelt the ground as we all walked up to the trailers and set. "Theirs bell!" Chase said I looked to my sides, "no! You Maria that's your character." Chase said laughing , "oh yea. I'm gonna get to hair and makeup. Bye!" I said walking off, I rolled my eyes how could I forget my character I need to go over the script.

Bell carrrea.
Bell comes from kies family, she's kies cousin.
She use to live in outerbanks before her and her mom getting put in the streets. Now bell is back and better than we she was 14 and homeless. She's a badass, confident, knows her worth and live as if she was a superstar. She met one pogue, JJ. JJ maybank they had an instant click. JJ told her all his secrets a night he found the girl crying at the beach alone in the dark. The pair loves to go surfing and smoke JJs pot, not only does she have a relationship with him but with Rafe. That's where bells life gets twisted between trying to find the cross, the cross that was taken by one of her love interests. She's stuck, JJ one love interest, and Rafe another.

I sighed as I read the paragraph explaining my character and her role in the show.
"Darling?" I heard someone call out as the trailer door opened, "Rudy?" I said questioning who was calling out to me, "hey gorgeous, filming is about to start." Rudy said as he held out his hand towards me,I gladly took his hand and walked to set with him ready to film my first sene and first appearance on the show.

The sene.

Bell walked in on Rafe.
"Oh! Sorry." Bell said as she saw Rafe and berry.
"Bell?" Rafe said speechless, "who the hell is she?" Berry said looking at Rafe, "she's related to kie." Rafe said before standing up and hugging her leaving the girl stunned in place. "I've missed you, how's your mom?' Rafe said with a big grin on her face, "she's nice, um what's that?" Bell said pointing at the table with lines of coke, "coke, want some sweetheart?" Berry said with a smirk, "Who you calling sweetheart, watch your mouth bitch." You said dusting his line of coke off the table. Berry stood up getting in bells face before Rafe stoped him, "Leave." He said to bell stil staring at Berry, bell scoffed before leaving the room.

I smiled brightly as Jonathan said cut and that it was a one take wonder.
Drew was quick to bring me in a hug, "you did so good!" He said laughing, "yea, but I can't breath!" I mumbled, he let go as we both burst into laughter, "rudyyy" I said running towards him, "I'm so proud of you." Rudy said as we swayed side to side in our hug. "Mmm, me tooo." I said giving him a wide grin, "don't get to ahead of yourself!" Rudy said winking as he got dragged away by chase.

"Maria!" Jonathan said walking over to me, "boss!" I said walking towards him. "Feel free to go home, it's gonna rain later so we can't film the sene we had planned for you today." Jonathan said looking up at the gloomy clouds, "ok, and thank you for this job. It's amazing!" I said giving him a soft hug, "of course, now go get sleep, relax!" He said laughing as he walked off.
I trailed my way to Madelyn who had JJ sitting in her lap, "hello my bestie." I said approaching her, "hello!" She said smiling up at me. "I love him, I've been begging chase for a dog." She said "just go get one secretly" I winked at her as I picked up JJ, "well, I'm heading home but we should go out tomorrow." I said placing down JJ, "for sure I'll text you." She said before I walked off, heading home.

I walked into the house, letting JJ run around free with out a leash.
I made my way to me and Rudy's room, I changed into black shorts and a black bra, throwing over one of Rudy's shirts.
I went to the kitchen, it was dirty. Their where dishes from last night, random mail and random stuff scattered around.
I grabbed the random peace's of mail, throwing them away. I proceeded to clean up by doing the dishes and putting everything back into place. Finally the house was cleaner. I made JJ his food and water and sat down, enjoying the tv show I had put on.

2 hours later.

Rudy walked through the door, "babe?" He called out. "Rudy!" I said happy as I walked over to the kitchen where he now was.
"Where is the mail?" He said looking around, "oh, I threw it away. I cleaned up." I said smiling, Rudy's smiled faded, "like their in the trash or is that gone too?" He said looking at me, "I took it out.' I said softly, " no, no did the trash people come by?" He said stressing out, "yea? Why?" I said confused, "WHY? MARIA THAT WAS FOR WORK." He yelled, "I didn't know." I whispered softly, "I'm sorry!" I said as Rudy paced around the house, "NO! NOW IM GONNA HAVE TO TELL THEM AND EXPLAIN! GOSH YOU COULD HAVE-" Rudy raised his hand, he was gonna hit me he was upset and talking with his hands but I and my trauma didn't see that. I flinched and fell to the floor, "I'm sorry! Please don't." I cried out blocking myself.

Rudy quickly came towards me, crouching down beside me. My body started to shake as my flash backs got worse, Rudy quickly picked me up and sat me in his lap, "it's ok. Babe I not gonna hurt you, I'm sorry." He said repeatedly, I cried harder as I couldn't escape the feeling. "Your ok, babe look at me." He said trying to calm me I looked up at him as more tears poured out of my eyes Rudy's face broke, he brought me into a kiss as he shred tears too. "I'm so sorry, princess. I could never hurt you I promise." He said as we pulled away, I hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry." I said, "don't be." He said kissing my head before picking me up and carrying us to our bed.

We both cuddled that night and enjoyed McDonald's in bed. Me, JJ, and Rudy all cuddled and watched movies before heading to sleep.

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