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June 3rd
"I miss you" Maria said, threw the phone.
"Me too, I can't wait for you to come down here."
Rudy said, he had missed his girlfriend, hell he wanted to tell his friends that was his girlfriend.
"I have tour and then I can, maybe I'll move down their." Maria said in a joking tone, some seriousness in her tone.
"Please" Rudy said is a desperate tone, "I will- "wait babe I have to go bye!" Maria got cuff by Rudy.

July 24th

"I'm so nervous." Maria said, she was currently getting ready for tour, "why? Your gonna kill it." Rudy said smiling at his girlfriend doing her makeup, "I don't know." Maria said softly, "hey, look at me." Rudy said as he noticed Maria's nerves, "you got this." Rudy said as the girl payed attention to him, "ok, well I love you." Maria said blowing kisses to her phone screen, "I love you too" Rudy said waving bye.

August 20th

"I don't understand why can't you just let me go out?" Maria said frustrated with Rudy, they we're currently fighting after Maria met someone at a bar with a friend, she only thought of the guy as a friend but Rudy's worried of the guy's intentions.
"Because' Rudy tried to say before he got cut off, "because, you don't trust me?" Maria said overthinking, "no babe stop, it's not you. It the guy, his intentions. You could be so friendly and the guy would still want to see you naked." Rudy said, Maria calmed down seeing Rudy's side of the story, "ok, I won't go." Maria said, "thank you. I love you." Rudy said finally calming down himself, "I love you too." Maria said before ending the call.

September 17th

"Only one more month!" Maria squealed as the call connected, "I'm so excited, I have a gift for you." Rudy said smiling at the beautiful girl on his phone screen, "is that so?" Maria said looking at Rudy who was making a silly face.
"Yes. But it's a surprise." Rudy said as he watched the girl make a cringed face.
"I hate surprises." Maria said is a sad tone, "well, you'll be glad once you get it." Rudy said smiling at the girl.
"I know I will, I love you." Maria said blowing him kisses, "I love you more!" Rudy said before hanging up.

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