Rain - a willow on the lake

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TW! not being good enough

I hope you'll have fun (And I hope my english isn't that bad xD)

We sat in content in the garden of the Ministry and talked while laughing. Sodo and Swiss sat arm in arm on a bank and talked to Copia and Terzo, who leaned against Omega. Primo and Secondo sat a little bit apart, playing Uno and it looked like Secondo would lose again. Aether and Cirrus also sat on a bench in the sun and flirted with each other while I sat on the table together with Cumulus, Sunshine, Mountain and Rain. The four other Ghouls were drinking beer while I had a Rum Coke with limes. The Sun was shining right into my face and warmed it a bit. Somewhere I heard birds chirping in competition.

"And then I told her not to go too far because she could fall into the water but guess who didn't listen to me and fell into the water!" Cumulus told a story about when she went to a lake with sunshine. "I guess it was Mountain." I said with a smile onto the Earth Ghoul who was looking at me a little bit angry"Hey! Leave me out of this!" he said drinking a bit of his beer."But it also Could've happen to you!" sunshine stared at the big Ghoul with her sunniest grin to tease him."At least I can reach the top shelf, Sunny." he said teasing Sunshine which made us laugh all together. "You can't say much Moon." I heard Rain say who looked at me with a shy smile. "You are even more tiny than Sunshine." I was a bit shocked hearing him saying something like that, because he was our Shy-Guy but I had to laugh immediately while boxing him on his shoulder."Dumbass!" I said in a teasing way"But he's right. Even Sodo is a Giant against you!" Cirrus shouted from her bench and I rolled my eyes."Yeah alright you got me." I said giving up. I laughed a little bit ashamed because I used to be a little bit insecure about my body height but it's getting better. Suddenly Sister Imperator walked into the garden, looking at us with a warm smile.

"My Dear Ladys and Gentlemen, we have guests." She said pointing at the door. I was on my way drinking something of my Coke when my view flew to the guests and I nearly spicked everything on the table. I got a coughing fit and Couldn't breath because of it. Rain immediately helped me with patting my back until I could breath again."Mom... Dad..." I said between two caughs and stood up to welcome them. What are they doing here? "What are you doing here?" I asked while I gave both a kiss on the cheek."We wanted to visit our youngest daughter" my mom said in a happy way and I looked at the Ghouls who just sat there shocked and not knowing what to do. I formed the word "Help" with my mouth so my parents wouldn't notice. I needed to get out of this situation before it even could start. But I guess I'd have to introduce them to the band. "Ehh... Mom, dad this is the band and few old members who are still living with us." I told them before I introduced them to everyone. "Do... You want to drink something? Or sit down?" I've asked because I couldn't just ask them to leave again. I looked at the table. There already were two new chairs so someone already had placed them.

"Oh no, we didn't wanted to stay that long" my mom said still smiling. But my Father didn't care about what she said so he sit down. I had to smile a little bit. My Dad does not argue with my mom 'Cause she always was the leader of the family but dad always was a "quite rebell" so he sometimes just did the opposite of what mom said. When we all sat down we started talking. I told my mom jokes and told my dad about how amazing the last concert was. The others -all Ghouls and Papas- came nearer to listen to my mom who told a few stories about my teenage-years. It was embarrassing but my friends could laugh about it so I was fine with it."Oh and by the way, your sister is alright. She had another child and they are moving into their own house" Mom said with a proud smile and i nodded."I know. I'm calling my sister from time to time" I said with a smile. I actually get on well with my sister even though she is nine years older than me. "But do you talk to her that often? I don't know why you aren't ready?" she said and I looked at her in horror and felt the mood change.

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