Rain-Life Eternal

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TW! Death, Grief and Eating disorder!

This is a part of a series. So there will be different parts with different Ghouls.

I felt my strength slowly leaving my body. I knew that it was nearly over. I knew that I would die. I held my hand against my waist where I felt blood flowing out from a wound. It was very painful and I tried not to scream.

"Moon!" I heard someone scream my name and I knew who it was. Rain knelt down next to me and looked at me with a worried face.
"Oh, Moon..." he whispered and laid his hand on mine. i felt his hand shaking even though he tried to bide it. So I put a smile on my face even if I don't felt like that.

"E-everything will be allright." he whispered and gently took my head into his shaking hands. He laid my head into his lap.
"No." I said and tried to ignore my pain.
"Nothing will be allright." I laid my hand on his and felt his warmth. I knew I'd die so why should I lie?

"I won't make it." He looked away and I knew I was right. He thought the same.

Rain took a deep breath before he turned his head back to me again.
"I'm here with you." he said and I nodded.
"I will never leave you alone." I said to him and saw tears forming in his eyes before they rolled down his beautiful cheek.
"Shh..." I said. "Everything will be allright." my voice was shaking and Rain shaked his head.

"Not without you. I can't live without you."  he started stroking my cheek.
"I will always be with You Rain, I'm a part of you. I'm the soft wind in summer you feel when you're laying on a flower meadow." I took a deep breath because It was hard to talk and breath at the same time.
"I'm the feeling of Raindrops on your skin... and... I'm the sunlight that makes everyone see your beauty." he had to smile. It was a true smile.

Suddenly he started summing a song. Already after the first notes I knew that it was "life eternal."
"Would you let me-" i started singing but he interrupted me.
"Shh." he laid a finger on his mouth.
"Let me sing. You should just listen to it." I nodded and he started singing.

"Would you let me touch your soul forever..." he sang the whole song and cradled me in his arms while I looked at him and tried to remember every detail of his handsome face. He wiped away a few tears from time to time and put on a fake-smile when he looked into my eyes. I guess he didn't knew that I still saw how worried he was when he looked away.

"If you had life eternal." he ended the song after a while and I was sad that I couldn't hear his angelic singing-voice anymore. But it was the right time because I felt that everything got better. But that wasn't a good sign.

"I don't feel pain anymore." I said to him and he looked even sadder.
"You're almost there, Pumpkin." Pumpkin. The silly nickname he gave me someday. It was the most funny nickname someone ever gave me. I had to smile immediately.
"I love you Shy Guy." Now he got a real smile on his face. I knew he loved this nickname. And now he looked at me the way he always used to look at me. Just like he was totally in love.

"I love you too, pumpkin." I looked into the sky . The sun was going down right now and the sky was red.
"Do you see the sunset?"  I asked him and he looked to the sky and nodded.
"Yes. Of Course. It is as beautiful as you." I smiled and nodded. Now I could see tears rolling down his cheeks again.

"R-Rain." I said with a breaking voice. He was just staring at the sky so he wouldn't have to look at me again. I knew he just couldn't
"Please, look at me." I said and he did even if he didn't wanted to. He looked straight into my eyes.

"I-I want you... too look at the sunsets the way... you used... to look at me." I tried to smile but I felt not strong enough.
"I will."  I smiled even bigger but I felt that I got weaker and weaker. I just saw his face and that was everything I wanted. I wasn't scared anymore because I knew that he was here with me until the end. And I knew that he would be okay someday.

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