Swiss-No wind resistance

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Little Tw: nightmares caused by a trauma. You can choose the trauma if you want^^

I woke up sweaty and started looking around, feeling how my heart raced. These Nightmares were going to make me crazy. Maybe Someday I'd loose my mind because of them. I stood up with shaking hands. I knew that I couldn't sleep anymore so I decided to go to tge kitchen. I put on my dressing gown to protect myself of the wind that came through the open window. I opened my door very quiet and walked out of my room. There was no light in the whole Ministry and the only thing that spent a bit light was the moon that was shining through the window. I hoped that I wouldn't wake someone while I was walking down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and turned on the light. Then I walked to the fridge and took out a bottle of water and poured it into a glass. I felt it run down my throat because it was so cold. The feeling of the cold water calmed me down a little bit but I was still shaking. I supported myself with my hands on the work surface. I took a deep breath and hoped that it would get better.

"Midnight-snack?" I heard someone asking behind me. I flinched and let out a scream and tourned around.
"Hey! Everything is alright! It's me!" Swiss slowly came over and raised his arms as a sign that he didn't want to hurt me. I held my heart tight and felt myself shaking more.
"Holy Devil!" I yelled angry
"Do you want that I get a heartattack? I asked him mad and held my hands against my head.

Swiss came a bit closer and I could see his worried face.
"Are you alright?" he asked. He must have noticed that I shaked.
"Yeah... I'm alright." I whispered and felt his hands laying on my shoulders. Even if he was very soft, softer than I've felt in a very long time, I flinched a bit. I just didn't liked getting touched right now.

"Hey." he said with a calm voice and went down on his knees so that he had his head under mine. It was like a sign of respect.
"I see that there is something wrong with you." he looked deep into my eyes. I looked away so I wouldn´t have to look at him.
"It's... It's just... the dreams." I said shy and thought about that one night I just dreamed about. It was about a year ago but I still couldn't deal with it.

"Is it because..."
"Yes it is!" I interrupted him because I didn't wanted him to speak it out loud. I felt tears forming in my eyes and immediately hid my face in my hands. I felt so bad... so weak.
Swiss wanted to hug me but I immediately started panicking so I pushed him away as soft as I could in that moment.

"I apologize." he said calm while I leaned onto the work surface again. For a while we were standing there quiet without someone moving or talking. The only thing I did was letting roll a tear down my cheeks. Actually I could deal with that memories. I could laugh again. Could touch other persons again. And just felt alive again. But the dream has brought everything back.

"Do you feel better?" he asked and I nodded.
"Yes, thank you." I said because I was thankful that he didn't talked for like the last ten minutes but still helped me with being just there for me.
"Should I make you warm milk?" he asked. "My Granny used to make warm milk for me when I couldn't sleep or felt bad." I always liked it when Swiss talked about his granny. He always was a disappointment to his parents but to his grandma he was everything. Her biggest present. Sadly I never got to meet Granny Swiss because she died before Swiss joined the band. Actually this was the reason he joined. And even if I liked the story, I shaked my head.

"No thank you. I know that I can't sleep right now. A Glass of milk wouldn't change it." I answered and I knew that it was true. Because always when I woke up from a nightmare I couldn't sleep for hours. And I tried everything to fall asleep again.
I saw that Swiss was thinking about something before he started smiling.

"I have an Idea if you can't sleep anyway." I looked at him, confused.
"And what Idea is that exacly?" I asked and his smile just got bigger.
"Get dressed and find out." he slowly started stepping back.

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