🎄Wonderful Christmas Time🎄

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I know it's a christian holiday so it propably won't fit the Ministry, but I Love christmas so I decided to write a few christmas-oneshots. During the next weeks, I'll publish a few christmas-chapters but I hope that you don't mind ^^'

Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year. Well at least for Rain and Sunshine. The two of them loved all the lights on the street, the smells of the baked goods and the Christmas movies you watch while wrapped in your blanket with hot chocolate. Both also liked different traditions from all over the world, even if the whole thing was actually a Christian holiday. And today was the first of December, so they could start the first tradition: decorating. They had actually wanted to start after Halloween, but they had to make an agreement with the Ministry that the two of them wouldn't start until December 1st at the earliest. After breakfast, the two of them gathered all the ghouls together to distribute the tasks.

"Is everyone ready?" Sunshine asked excitedly, looking around. She immediately noticed that one ghoul was missing and rolled her eyes.
"Does anyone know where Sodo is?" She asked annoyed, to which Swiss replied with a grin.
"You know him, Sunny. He hates Christmas."
"He can't be serious!" Rain complained, raising his arms
"He can't just suppress the spirit of Christmas!" He shook his head.
"If he doesn't come, I'll have to get him!" The ghouls started laughing.
"Good luck with that, Rain," Cumulus giggled, which annoyed Rain a little. He would get Sodo to help. He grabbed Mountain's hand and dragged the large ghoul with him.
"What is he doing?" Cirrus asked confused and the others shrugged
"Just let him do it. We'll see," Aether murmured, stretching briefly. A short time later, Sodo was heard complaining about something.

When Mountain carried him through the door, it was clear to everyone why.
"Let me down!" He shouted angrily
"I'm not in the mood for this nonsense!"
Mountain put the ghoul down in his place and Rain grinned cheekily at him.
"Even if you don't feel like it, you have to go through it now."
Rain grinned cheekily.
"Christmas only comes once a year. Grit your teeth or finally let the spirit of Christmas get to you!" Rain said.
"I hate Christmas! What's so special about it? To me it just means that winter is starting! It's getting cold, everything is wet and the snow is just unbearable!" He continued to complain.
"Oh Sodo!" Sunshine giggled and ran towards him.
"The winter and the cold can only affect you if you let it. Try some cozy blankets, hot chocolate, tea or a hot bath. Use the time to snuggle up in bed and watch films and Just to relax" she smiled.

The Ghoulette had a way of speaking that put everyone at ease. Sodo too. The smaller ghoul stood there and looked at her a little speechless, which was really rare for Sodo. Sunshine just grinned wider and put an arm around Sodo.
"If you'll help us out today, I'll think about joining you for your cozy movie night or hot bath tonight."
The ghoulette saw that she had clearly piqued Sodo's interest. His eyes shimmered with anticipation, but as quickly as the shimmer came, it disappeared and Sodo rolled his eyes.
"All right, then let's decorate, but don't you dare sing any songs or put me in a stupid sweater," he muttered in a bad mood, which made them all giggle.
Rain clapped his hands.
"Good, then we can start!" He said, looking around
"We already have a plan!" He pointed to Cirrus and Cumulus.
"You start with the dining room. And you two take over the living room"
He pointed to Sodo and Sunshine.
"Aether and Swiss, you take care of the hallway on the second floor!" The two ghouls nodded.
"Mountain, you and I do the hallway downstairs and when we're all done, we'll take care of the tree!"
.They all nodded as a sign that they understood.
"If you have problems hanging something high, you can ask Mountain, he can handle it," he patted the big ghoul on the back.
"Well then, let's go!" Sunshine immediately grabbed Sodo's hand and pulled him along so he didn't have time to fight back.
"Come on C, this will be fun!" Cumulus pulled Cirrus with her toward the dining room as they whispered to each other, giggling.

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