Phantom-Life Eternal

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Tw! Death, Grief, Deathwish, Guns

"Come on Phantom!" I whispered and crept forward.
"I'm already there!" he said a bit annoyed and I rolled my eyes. I knew he just wanted to tease me but we were on a mission so I really had no time for this. I walked a bit faster.

"Echo! Wait!" he yelled but tried to stay quiet (yk what I mean?) but I didn't stopped walking and just followed our gang.
"Stop!" he took my hand and turned me around so I had to look at me.
"What's your problem?" I asked a bit annoyed and looked in his eyes.
"Do you really want to do this?" he asked me and I just sighed.
"Phantom... we talked about this. We just have the gang. We're living on the street and just survive because we're selling drugs and do some street-fights. We don't have anything besides the gang so we have to do this." I explained again. I knew Phantom didn't liked being in a gang but he couldn't go back home. Is is one of the kids that ran away from home, just like me but children of the street never go back home. Most of us lived in a toxic household so we just couldn't go back. Children of the street have two options. We die or we find a new family to live with. But most of us die.

"But we don't have to care about this! We could ran away, together. We don't need them." he said but sounded a bit desperate. I started to stoke his cheek.
"Everything will be allright." I said and gave him a soft kiss.
"Now let us go. We have a mission, do you remember?" he nodded and finally we followed our gang hand in hand.

"There you are." Our boss said annoyed.
"How many times have I told you to stay with us?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders.
"A few times." I answered and he looked mad.
"Then why do you not listen to me?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders again.
"I - We are sorry." I mumbled but our boss just sighed.
"You should be glad that I allowed phantom to stay. I didn't wanted him to be here because he acts like a little child, but I allowed him to stay because you asked me to. One more time and I'll kick him out!" he nearly yelled at me and I just looked at the ground.
"Yes, Boss." we walked through the night, quietly and I looked around a bit. After a while we stopped infront of a scary house.
"Echo, Phantom you can go now. Follow the plan!" he said and we bot nodded before we walked through a side alley. There was fog all around us while walked through the alley.

"You first." Phantom said when we arrived at a fire escape and he gave me his hand. I slowly took his hand with a smile before I walked upstairs, quietly.
"Are you looking at my ass?" I asked after a while to tease him a bit.
"O-Of course not!" he stuttered a bit embarrassed and I had to laugh a bit before he cleared his throat.

"But if you want, I can start looking at your ass." he said a bit seductive and my cheeks turned red.
"I-if you can still concentrate." I answered and I just heard him giggle a bit.
"There we are." I said and stopped before a door.
"Could you give me my lockpick, please?"  I asked and helf out my hand to him.
"Your what?" he asked and I froze.
"Please don't tell me you lost-"
"Don't worry! It was just a joke!" he laughed and handed me my lockpick.
"Dickhead!" I said and punched his shoulder.
"Ouch!"  he whined and held his shoulder.
"Are you sensitive?" I asked amused and stuck my tongue out at him. I slowly walked closer to him and leaned forward and got closer to his lips. I saw his face turning red.
"No... I'm not." he whispered while I looked into his eyes that were full of love. He looked down at my lips and back to my eyes again.

"But you can make me sensitive." he whispered and smiled stupidly before I leaned forward to kiss him. I heard him sighing before he kissed me back. The kiss got more intensive. Phantom grabbeded my hips and I just wanted to feel him right now. I closed my eyes and sighed, happily and felt how he started kissing my neck before he kissed my lips again.
Suddenly I realized what we were doing actually. I pulled back my head.

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