Sodo x Rain - war of hearts

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We were playing Year Zero and I looked at Rain playing his bass peacefully and calmly in front of the audience. He looked so tame but the audience seemed to be waiting for something and I wanted to give it to them.

I sneaked up to Rain, he couldn't hear me through the music, which didn't bother me. On the contrary, I am pleased. The fans cheered just as I stood behind him, but Rain didn't seem to suspect anything.

I leaned forward and ran my free hand up his torso. Rain leaned against me, letting his head fall back to rest on my shoulder. My hand slowly wandered to his neck and squeezed gently, almost immediately he let out a slight moan and I had to smile.
"Good little kitty," I said into his ear, hearing him whimper with desire. I enjoyed teasing him like that and Rain was so sensitive about it that it was even more fun. The fans screamed like crazy when I did this before I finally let go of his neck. I waited a moment for him to straighten before stepping back. I didn't want him to fall over and hurt himself just because he was so easily driven insane.

Throughout the rest of the ritual, I noticed his gaze falling on me more often, which made me chuckle. Sweet little Rain. So easy to impress. I wasn't dating Rain, but I still enjoyed seeing him like that.

After the ritual, we all ran backstage. We were all super excited and in a rush because it was going so well. It was the same feeling after every ritual, even if over time you didn't have that much stage fright anymore.
"We rocked it!" shouted Swiss and hugged me from behind, which made me giggle.
"Oh yes we have." With that, Swiss ran on to high five me Aether and the Ghoulettes.

After a few minutes we all had a beer in hand and toasted together before we split up into smaller groups again. My eyes fell on Rain, who was just getting a small snack to strengthen himself. I had to grin and slowly walked towards him. He neither saw nor heard me coming. He seemed lost in thought, but that's exactly what I liked. I slowly grabbed his neck from behind.

"Hello, kitten." I whispered in his ear and almost immediately he whimpered again.
"Sodo...stop." he whispered but it only made me grin more.
"Do you really want that?" I asked teasingly. "Don't you want to be a good kitten?" I asked seductively and heard him whimper again. Oh... his whimpers drove me insane.

After a short time I let him go because I didn't want to drive him crazy too much. I just wanted him so far that one day he would come begging to me and adore me sleeping with him.

With my beer in hand, I walked over to Swiss and grinned broadly.
"Well? Survived another ritual without falling from stage?" I asked teasingly and he rolled his eyes.
"You can fuck me, Sodo." he said and I grinned cheekily.

"Hey... uh... Sodo?" I heard Sunshine's lovely voice and I turned to the Ghoulette.
"Hello Sunny, how can I help you?" I asked with a seductive grin and looked at her. Of course I noticed her worried look, but that was probably just because she was afraid to ask me about something specific. And I exacly knew that she wanted to visit me tonight.

"Did...did you say something mean to Rain?" she asked and suddenly the grin disappeared from my face and I looked at her confused and worried.
"Something mean to Rain? No, why?" I asked and she looked away uncomfortably.
"Well... I saw Rain run out just after your conversation and.. well... he had tears in his eyes." she confessed and scratched her arm a bit. My eyes widened in horror and I looked around. He wasn't here anymore. He was gone.

"So... did you say something mean to him?" she asked, but I immediately shook my head
"No! I haven't! Really!" I was honest, because it hadn't been anything mean... Or have I? Did I overdo it?
"I... I'll check on him," Sunshine said and was about to turn around, but I grabbed her arm.
"No!" I yelled, noticing that I had grabbed her way too harshly, so I immediately relaxed my grip on her arm.

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