Swiss-Life Eternal

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Tw! Death, Grief, Cancer (again), hallucination, euthanasia

I lay in my bed, sighing from the pain, feeling weak and just wanting it to be over. I had been diagnosed with breast cancer a while ago and although I had my breast amputated, the cancer had spread because it was too late. I had noticed the pain in my chest, but I had neglected regular visits to the doctor, thinking that it wouldn't be so bad and that I would be okay. Because why should something happen to me?

Then it happened and it was still a difficult decision for me. I had waited a very long time to finally agree to the removal and then it was too late. Now here I was, at home with cancer, looking at the IV containing my Redemption Drug. I knew I would die today. That was the plan. Whether it was legal for the hospital to shorten my life with an overdose or whether it counted as euthanasia I wasn't sure, but I didn't care. The drip was still closed and I could still change my mind. But I wouldn't. I would just wait for Swiss to get to me before opening it.

I had agreed with the hospital that I wanted to die at home, where it was most familiar to me. Where I had lived all these years and where I felt best.

I looked around. There were pictures of us everywhere. Swiss and I with the band, the Ghoulettes and I laughing together, or just Swiss and me. We danced in the rain, or on stage, we kissed or we just hugged with big grins. We took one of the photos at a shoot. Swiss sat on a throne, his shirt unbuttoned to show his well-toned abs. His right arm was relaxed on the backrest while he had his other arm around me. I sat on his lap in a very revealing outfit in black and we both looked at the camera. I really liked the vibe that emanated from the picture and I had to grin a little.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door before Swiss' head appeared in it.
"Hello beautiful lady" he said with a big smile as he entered
"Hello, my love" I said, trying to sound a bit teasing as he sat down on the edge of my bed and gently stroked my cheek.
"How are you, Penguin?" He asked and I had to smile because of the nickname.
"I've seen better days," I admitted and he smiled slightly.
"I know my darling, but you made it soon" of course Swiss knew that today was the day and he was prepared. I knew his laugh was real right now because he wanted to spend his last memories with me happily. He wanted to laugh with me and just love me before it was too late. And that's exactly why I was glad that he was by my side.

"I love you so much" I whispered and he smiled even more.
"I love you too" with that he gave me a soft kiss.
"You are the most amazing woman I've met even if you drove me to despair at times." He admitted and I had to giggle
"Did I?"
"Oh you did" he smiled before we fell silent. I had decided to do it. I was in pain and at the end of my strength, besides, it was inevitable anyway and I didn't want Swiss to have to wait any longer anxiously for it to happen.

"Could you do it, please?" I asked and his eyes widened slightly.
"A-Are you sure?" He asked sadly but I nodded.
"I'm sure. I can't stand it anymore and I'm only in pain," I said regretfully, but it was true.
Swiss nodded with a sigh and stood up to lean in and kiss me again.
"I love you" he whispered and I nodded.
"I you too" with that he walked to the drip and opened it. Immediately, the morphine began dripping through my tube into my body.

"C-can you cuddle with me?" I asked with a trembling voice, because now I was afraid, but it would come anyway. Swiss nods with a sad grin and gets into bed next to me.
"Come here darling" he pulled my head to his chest and I snuggled up to hear his heartbeat. His warmth was good, it was so calming and his little caresses felt so comfortable on my skin.

"You are the most amazing woman I have ever met," he said, kissing my forehead. I had to smile and just kept snuggling into him while the pain slowly lessened.
"Can you sing for me?" I asked him and he nodded.
"What would you like?" he asked and I didn't have to think.
"Our song" I heard him chuckle lightly and then kissed me again.
"Anything My Queen Wishes For" With that he began to sing "Life Eternal" very softly while stroking me and I felt my strength fail me.

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