Secondo - Idolatrine

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Have you ever wondered why Secondo wrote the song "Idolatrine"? Maybe that was exactly the reason for it...

TW! Most people who know the meaning of the song know what this chapter will be about. For those who don't know: It's about child abuse (in the church)

Quick disclaimer: I know I had planned to post more oneshots this year, but unfortunately this year isn't off to a great start. At the beginning I was sick for two weeks and could hardly move. Then came work and mental problems, which totally took away my time/motivation to write. Something happened privately today that completely threw me off course, but I'll at least try to write more. I hope you can forgive me <3.


As he often did, Papa brought my older brother Primo and me along to one of those strange meetings he had with some other men. It was one of the meetings were we weren't allowed to tell Papas "friends" that we belonged to the Satanist church, otherwise they wouldn't like us. These men, who wore clothes similar to Papa's and also had mitres on their heads, would probably even hate us. I didn't know why Papa would even meet with someone who would hate us if we showed our true identity, but Primo had explained to me that these meetings were important for us to find out what the Christian church was planning.Like every time, we walked to a large table in a church, where Primo and I sat on either side of Pap. We were the last ones, which is why all the attention was focused on us. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, hating all the attention.

"Sorry for the delay." Papa looked around once before they all started reporting about the recent events. The beginning was very boring. They reported about their masses, communions and baptisms, which didn't interest me at all. Bored, I looked up at Papa, who wasn't wearing his makeup today and had a contact lens in his white eye so we wouldn't be recognized. Primo also had to cover his white eye. When I asked Papa why I didn't get a cool contact lens, he just told me that I was too young to wear something like that. The excuse given to me was that I was just one of those special people who had two different eye colors.Once Papa started talking to his friends, time seemed to pass very slowly. How I hated those meetings!I would rather be at home right now and do something else.

Suddenly I felt someone staring at me and I looked up. One of the priests looked at me like he always did. I swallowed. If he looked at me like that, it wasn't a good sign.With a nod of his head, he gave me his signal - our signal - which sent a shiver down my spine. I did not want that. The priest got up and ran out of the room, whereupon I started counting to 60. However, I couldn't count that far, only because of a a trick from the priest I knew when I had reached this number... When I had to follow him...He would then do what he always did with me: touch me. Every time he touched me, the feeling was very strange and scared me.I looked at Primo, searching for help, and he shook his head with a serious face. He was the only one I told about it, but I asked him not to take it to Papa. The priest would get angry if Papa knew about it, and then he would hurt me...I knew that I had to go now, even if I didn't want to. I didn't want him to touch me. But I had to.I hesitantly tugged on Papa's sleeve, who then turned to me."I-I'm going to the toilet..." I stuttered in a whisper, whereupon he just nodded and I stood up.I quickly ran into the hallway where the toilet was, but entered another room where the priest was already waiting for me. It was a dark room with only a sofa and a small lamp providing some light.

"There you are!" he smiled at me."Come to me, my dear child!"I swallowed hard again before stepping closer and looking at him uncertainly."How beautiful you are..." he lifted my chin with a finger so that I had to look up at him. He was almost twice as tall as me. His hand, shriveled with age, felt disgusting against my own skin."Just look at your eyes..." he poked my cheek, which immediately made me feel gross."You're such a good boy..." he started unbuttoning my shirt, so that an icy cold immediately surrounded me. My heart began to race with fear and my breathing became quicker. I hated everything here, even though I didn't even know exactly what it was. All I knew was that it was uncomfortable."Don't worry, I'll be very careful..." he leaned down to me.

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