☃️ Swiss-Snowman☃️

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Tw! Insecure about the body
Struggle with eating (especially sugar)

The icy winter wind blew past my nose as I walked through the city with my jacket wrapped tightly around me. The snow under my shoes, covering the entire street, was wet and slushy, making it difficult not to slip. Throughout the city, fairy lights and other decorations hung on houses and illuminated them with their colorful lights, and people scurried around everywhere.
Sighing, I reached for the door handle of a small café and entered. Immediately, the warmth of the store enveloped me and the smell of coffee, tea, hot chocolate and cinnamon greeted me. I slowly took off my jacket and hung it on the hook before stuffing my hat and scarf into the sleeve. Finally I walked to an empty table and sat down there. A few minutes passed before a waitress came up to me and smiled warmly.

"What can I bring you?" She asked politely and took her writing pad out of her pocket.
I thought about it for a moment before looking up at her.
"An apple tea with cinnamon please" she wrote down my order and ran back to the counter. When I took out my phone it buzzed because I got a message.
It was a message from my best friend who I wanted to meet here. I quickly opened the message before disappointment overwhelmed me.
"Hey, Y/n..." She wrote.
"Unfortunately I can't make it. There's too much snow here and I can't get away in the car. Love you!" I sighed in frustration. I was actually really looking forward to finally being able to spend time with her because I hadn't seen her for so long. And now she didn't come.
"No problem, we'll see each other later." I answered her, even though it was actually a big problem for me.
"Here's the tea with cinnamon," said the waitress, who was putting the cup on the table for me.
"Thank you..." I tried to smile, but it was difficult.
I waited a moment before taking a sip of my hot tea and staring out the window, lost in thought. Countless people were still scurrying through the streets, looking like frightened deer that didn't know which direction to flee.

"Hey, beautiful woman! What are you doing here all alone?" A familiar voice brought me out of my thoughts so I turned around and looked at the man with the dark, gentle eyes. Swiss.
"Hey, Swiss," I greeted him friendly and forced a slight smile on my face.
"You look sad," he said. Of course I couldn't hide my feelings from him. Nevertheless, Swiss smiled charmingly before sitting on the bench opposite me.
I sighed heavily
"My date couldn't come," I explained curtly before taking another sip of my tea.
"Date? Like romantic date?" He asked interestedly, but I immediately shook my head.
"No, not a romantic date. My best friend," I explained with a sigh
"And she just stood you up? Great friend..." he murmured skeptically and looked at me.
"Well, the snow on the roads prevented her from driving." I muttered and stirred my tea, even though there was nothing in it to distribute.

We were both silent for a moment before Swiss looked at me with a grin.
"You know what? Then I'll stay here and keep you company" he smiled confidently, which made me smile.
"I actually wanted to get some presents, but I can't just leave you sitting here like that" he winked at me.
“Thank you,” I smiled at him, whereupon he waved me off.
"I can't leave such a beautiful woman sitting here without a date." He looked me straight into my eyes with his calm gaze. His words seemed sincere, which made my heart beat faster. Of course I knew Swiss liked to flirt, but this felt different.
"What can I bring you?" The waitress asked Swiss. I hadn't even noticed she had come over.
“A coffee with milk please,” he replied without looking away from me. He watched me like a hunter watches his prey, only friendlier, and it made me nervous.

"Why so nervous?" He asked when the waitress finally left, but his eyes didn't leave me. His eyes were still so piercing, as if they wanted to stare into my soul.
"I'm not nervous... I'm just not used to people staring at me," I admitted a little uncomfortably, which made him grin even more.
"Excuse me... I like looking at beautiful things"
Heat rushed to my cheeks and I blushed. His words sent tingles through my whole body.
"Here's the coffee," said the waitress as I was about to reply. She carefully placed the cup in front of Swiss.
"And here are some homemade cookies as a Christmas present," she placed a plate with a few cookies in the middle of the table. They had different shapes and decorations such as Christmas trees, reindeer or gingerbread men.
"Thank you very much" Swiss smiled at her briefly while I was still speechless.
“Do you want to keep staring at me in silence?” Swiss asked with an amused smirk, which only made me blush even more.

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