🔞Swiss - Yellow🔞

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Tw! Bruises, mention of sh (+scars)
(And ofc some spice :D)

I tried to write some spice again. I Hope you'll like it

(Btw, I found this in my drafts. I wrote this almost a year ago so idk if it's that good. But I still hope that you have fun!)
And yeah ik the situation wasn't that bad actually (thanks to swiss for that... Inspiration) but I needed something... Dramatic

We were playing "Year Zero". Rain was sick so Papa decided that I should replace him for tonight. I was standing on the left stage (fan-view) playing my bass while the flames were around me. I slowly turned around so I could look at Swiss and I hoped he wouldn't notice. He looked so hot making poses between the flames and I enjoyed the view. His Guitar, His Smile, the skin of his arms between the flames. It was just hot.

Suddenly he did a wrong step and fell from the stage. It looked horrible. I could see his rips hitting Cirrus' stage and the way he tried to catch himself with his hands but failed. I've heard a few fans screaming in shock and I tried not to do it as well. I was a bit scared that he was hurted. It may doesn't seem that bad but it could get dangerous pretty quickly.
I thought about running to him but Papa would kill me. "The show must go on" he'd say.

After a few seconds I could see that he was getting back on stage and sighed in relief. During the show I often looked at him to check if he was really fine. It seemed like he was really hurt because he tried not step on his right leg. His movements were slower and not that powerful like they used to be. After the show we lined up and bowed and I felt him leaning on me but he tried not do it that obvious. After a few minutes we walked behind stage and the show was over.

"Fuck, Swiss! Are you okay?" I asked and I walked to him. Copia, who didn't noticed anything during show looked at us confused.
"What happened?" he asked confused and looked at me.
"Swiss fell from stage and it looked very painful!" I answered and heard Swiss sigh.
"I'm alright." he crossed his arms and pretended to be cool with it but I didn't believed him. He'd always try to seem coll even though if he'd be on fire.
I looked at his leg and tried to figure out if he was lying or really saying the truth.
"Alright. If you feel good, take a few steps." I told him but he just looked at me, skeptical. When he didn't moved at all, I stared at him until he finally gave in.
"Fine. If it makes you feel better" He walked past me and I could clearly see that he tried not to limp. So I slowly walked to him and bent down to grab his ankle what made him screaming because of pain and I immediately let him go. I felt sorry for his pain but he decided to lie to me. 
"You don't have pain?" I asked again and he looked at me, madly.
"Fine it fucking hurts. Are you happy now?" he asked annoyed but I shook my head.
"No not happy 'Cause you're in pain!"
I said and looked to the place where our dressing rooms were.

"Come with me!" I said before I took his hand and walked to his dressing room with him. The bigger Ghoul looked a bit confused.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" he asked and I turned around to look at him, seriously.
"I want to check if you have to go to the doctor." I answered what confused him even more.
"Come on." I said and made him sit down on his couch.

"Y/N, please... I just fell from stage. It's not like I fell out of a window or something" he said annoyed and crossed his arms.
"Even a fall from Stage could cause a broken ankle or broken ribs. Plus I can see that you're in pain so stop arguing and let me check you" I interrupted him before he could say more. But he staid quiet instead of saying something.
"Could you please take off your pants now so I can get a better look?" I asked and he looked at me like he was not sure.
"What's wrong?" I asked. "Does the flirty and needy Swiss don't want to take off his pants infront of a woman?" I asked jokingly but he was just quiet.

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