Terzo - Soldier

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Yeah... My first oneshot for Papa!
(Don't Wonder: we do have Ghouls in this chapter but I chose them randomly. They're all Era 3 but some of them never met actually)

TW! Sexual harassment

"Come on, cara mia! We don't have much time left!" I heard Terzo call out as I was getting ready.
"I'm coming!" I replied as I was putting on my earrings. I quickly straightened my curly hair and looked at myself in the mirror.
The black, short dress was tight fitting and had a deep neckline. The sleeves were long and just lay snug against my skin. I had a gold necklace around my neck that Terzo had given me for our 1st anniversary.

"Cara mia, if you don't come right away, the ghouls and I will go without you." he exclaimed amused, so I hurried out of the room and ran to Terzo.
"Here I am, Tesoro." when he saw me his eyes lit up and looked down at me. I ran over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Mi amore, wouldn't we perhaps prefer to stay at home?" he asked while still looking down at me.
I had to giggle. "Why should we stay here? We have such a nice plan for tonight." I teased him.

Terzo's hands settled on my waist and gently stroked back down my back to my butt so he could pull me closer.
"You know, this outfit looks so good, I'd like to see you in the bedroom in it before I rip it off you." he whispered in my ear and I couldn't suppress a grin.
"You know, we can do that later when we get back." I ran my hands over his chest.
"As far as I know, you have nothing to do tomorrow, so we have all night." he grinned mischievously and leaned forward a little more so I could feel his breath on my ear.

"Fine. I can stand the few hours until then, but I think I have to punish you for putting me up like this." whispered in my ear, making me blush.
Terzo grinned mischievously before taking my hand.
"Come on, Cara Mia. The ghouls are already waiting for us." With that, we headed out to where Omega, Alpha, Dewdrop, Ifrit, and Chair were already waiting for us.
"Well finally!" murmured Dewdrop, rolling his eyes. The new ghoul wasn't quite as respectful as he should be, but Terzo was good at ignoring it.
"Then we can go!" Terzo offered me his arm, which I raked in and so we ran out of the ministry in our group.

A while later we finally arrived at the bar we had chosen for tonight. It looked cozy with dark wood furniture and was quite dark in general. The music wasn't to my liking, but I didn't care, we were only going to have a few drinks here before we went dancing later.

"Which table shall we sit at?" asked Terzo, but Alpha beat him to it.
"No table, please. I'd like to sit at the bar so I can sit right at the source before Dewdrop drives me insane." mumbled Alpha and Dewdrop just looked at him a bit confused.
"What have I done now?" he asked confused and raised his arms.

"Nothing yet, but I'm sure you will." The two ghouls faced each other and looked at each other. Dewdrop looked up at Alpha angrily at the huge difference in height, while Alpha looked down at him sternly.
"It's okay, children. We don't need a theater today." Terzo pushed himself between the two and pushed them apart.
"I honestly have no idea what your problem is with each other, but that won't spoil our evening tonight." He looked at the bar.
"You just set yourself apart as much as possible."

He gave me his hand.
"Come on, Cara mia, let's sit down." Together we ran to the bar and sat down on the bar stools, Terzo to my left.
To my right, Chair and Ifrit sat down and Dewdrop right next to them. Omega sat down next to Terzo, which I almost figured, making me chuckle before pulling Alpha over to his other side.
"Do you already know what you want, amore?" he asked and I thought about it.

"I'm not quite sure." I confessed and looked at the card.
"How about a gin tonic?" he pointed to this one and i nodded.
"Sounds good." the bartender just came up to us and asked what we want.
"Two gin tonics." ordered Terzo for both of us. Barely two minutes later they were in front of us. The ghouls had each ordered something different, but I'd been too busy with Terzo to notice what they had.

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