Sodo-Life Eternal Part 2

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Tw! Death, Grief, Car accident, "it was my fault"
(Don't wonder I had to repost it because it didn't published everything. I'm so sorry)

Part two
When I arrived at the hospital, I parked in the parking garage and then walked towards the emergency room with Rain. The closer we got to the entrance, the slower Rain became. I felt him start shaking again, so I finally stopped and grabbed his arm.

"What?" he asked and obviously hadn't noticed that he had become slower and slower.
"Are you scared?" I asked in a calm, compassionate voice. Rain seemed to consider how to answer.
"Rain, you can tell me anything." I looked into his eyes intently and he nodded.
"I-I know and yes I'm scared" he said in a trembling voice.
"Before what?" I asked and looked at him calmly.
"I-I'm just scared that Sodo won't wake up. I don't want to lose him. River hurt so bad, but Sodo..." he broke off and I nodded
"I know Rain, but he'll get through this. Sodo's a fighter. He'll wake up. And when the time comes, we'll be there to help." after a moment Rain nodded and took a deep breath.
"Come on now let's go." I finally walked through the entrance with that, taking his hand reassuringly.

"Can I help you?" asked the one lady who looked like a nurse as we walked in.
"Eh.. yes, hello. An ambulance just got here with our brother who was in a car accident."
She gave me a somewhat skeptical look and then checked a cell phone.
"Go up one floor and follow the signs until you come to the ICU waiting area." she said and I thanked her before following her instructions with Rain.

"Tell them that you're Sodo's siblings when you come." I wrote in the group so that they would also get it guaranteed. After what felt like an eternity, we arrived in the room. It was completely empty, so we just sat down on random seats.
"How long do you think it will be before they can tell us if Sodo is okay?" Rain asked and I shrugged.
"I don't know. It could be quick, or it could take forever." the little ghoul sighed. After about 20 minutes of waiting, my phone vibrated.

"We're taking a little longer, Aether and Sunshine don't feel ready to come yet." Cirrus wrote. It hurt inside that they were suffering, but I didn't want to force them to come here.
"Take as much time as you need" I replied, letting my head slide against the wall with a sigh.
"The last twenty minutes felt like at least 5 hours." Rain mumbled and I nodded. Suddenly a machine caught my eye.

"Are you hungry or thirsty?" I asked the ghoul and he nodded. So I got up and walked to the two machines.
"What would you like? Water? Coffee? Limmo?" I asked and chose the coffee for myself.
"One water will do, thanks" when my coffee was ready, I got Rain a water and then another bag of Skittles from the other machine. With that I sat  back to Rain and gave him his water
"Thanks" he said and took a sip. I opened my bag of Skittles and grabbed a couple of these before turning to Rain.
"Do you like ... too?" I asked and he nodded.
"Yes, thanks." with that he took the bag from my hand and also took out a few. At that moment a doctor or nurse - I couldn't tell them apart - ran past us and I jumped up.

"Excuse me!" she stopped and looked at me
"Can I help you?" she asked and I nodded.
"We're here because our brother was brought in here, Sodo. He was in a car accident and we wanted to know how he's doing." I briefly explained to her.
"Oh, he's just being brought into the OP." she said somewhat uneasily and with a regretful face.
"OP? Why?" I asked, glancing at Rain who was staring at us, frozen.
"Well, firstly, because his leg is so broken that it needs to be fixed and secondly, her brother has a concussion and a brain hemorrhage that needs treatment immediately." I heard something fall to the ground behind me. When I turned around, I saw that Rain had dropped the Skittles and they were now scattering all over the floor.
"Thank you very much."

I said with a quick glance at the doctor and then hurriedly walked over to Rain who was now sitting on the floor with his face buried in the seat cushion of the chair.

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