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Happy Halloween!
(Idk if there is something like that in america but I liked the idea, so enjoy it!)

It was Halloween and the ghouls had decided to do something spooky. Well, probably more like Swiss and Sodo. After dinner they grabbed the others and put them in the car before they set off. Sodo kept thinking about how funny it would be to see other people's faces when they found out what was coming.

"Where are we going?" Aurora asked excitedly. It was her first Halloween and she seemed excited to see what they would do next.
"Let yourself be surprised." Swiss simply replied as he continued driving.
"Please don't let it be what I think it is." Sodo heard Rain whisper behind him, making him grin. If poor Rain only knew what they had planned... He would immediately jump out of the car screaming and run back home.

About a half hour later they arrived at some sort of fair set up for Halloween.
"That looks really exciting!" Aurora exclaimed enthusiastically, looking out the window at all the lights and decorations. Phantom also looked excited.
"What is that?" the young ghoul asked, looking at the others.
"It's called a fair." Cirrus explained.
"There are a lot of funny and sometimes scary things that are a lot of fun!" Cirrus added.
"That's right. And that's exactly why we're here!" Swiss parked the car. They all got out together and looked around.
“Are we all complete?” Sodo asked, but quickly noticed that one of them was missing.

He rolled his eyes in amusement and walked back to the car to lean against the still open door and fold his arms.
"Did you think we wouldn't notice you were missing?" he asked amused and looked into the dark car.
"I-I know what you're up to. Y-You can go there without me." Rain stuttered, still sitting in the car and looking anxiously out the window.
Sodo smiled
"Oh, you know that?" he asked with a mischievous grin.
"Well, if you prefer, you can stay here in the dark car. All alone." he straightened up with a teasing grin.
"Maybe the ghosts of Halloween will come visit you." Just as Sodo was about to move on, Rain grabbed his arm.
"No! Don't leave me alone!" Faster than he could see, Rain got out of the car and stomped after him.
"Well, it's okay. It wasn't that difficult." He teased, earning only a murmur from Rain, who let go of his hand and ran to Mountain.
"Well, then we're finally done. Come with us!" Swiss shouted happily and together they ran deeper into the fair.

Everywhere they saw stands with various sweet snacks. Almonds, waffles, cotton candy and much more. Strawberries and apples were glazed in a variety of colors and had spooky decorations. Carved pumpkins stood around and lit up the paths with their scary faces. In the distance they saw a Ferris wheel and a roller coaster. Children dressed up and took photos with carnies, dressed like scary clowns or other characters.
"Sodo! Look!" Swiss grabbed his arm and pointed at a man dressed like Freddy Krueger. It looked deceptively real.
"Hey, guys! Let's take a souvenir photo with him!" Mountain exclaimed with a smile. The large ghoul ran up to Freddy and discussed something with him before staggering the others over to him.
They ran to it together and stood up.
"S-Should I take the photo?" Rain asked, stuttering anxiously.

Just as Sodo was about to say something to him, a person wearing a Michael Myers mask appeared behind the ghoul.
"Rain, turn around for a second." He said with a grin.
Rain didn't think about why he should turn around, he just did it. His face turned pale when he saw the showman in front of him and he swallowed.
"D-Do you want to take the ph-photo?" he asked the showman, stuttering and holding out the cell phone. Michael Myers took the phone with a nod and Rain immediately turned around and ran towards the group to hide behind the Ghoulettes. Everyone laughed in amusement. Rain was such a scaredy cat. They all struck a pose together before Michael Myers took their photo.
"Thank you, dear Freddy!" Aurora said to the character after the photo, giving him a high five.
"Here, your phone." Michael said in his creepy disguised voice and ran to Rain to give him his phone.
"T-Thank you." He quickly took the cell phone from his hand and put it away before the group continued walking.

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