Mountain-Life Eternal

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TW!! Death, Grief, cancer, mention of euthanasia


I lay in pain in our bed and looked at the picture that was on my beside table. It was Mountain and my phone-background and showed us how he leaned against me, just how big persons always use to do on short ones. Back then my smile was real. I still had my beautiful brown hair back then. This picture was taken at the beginning of our relationship. We've been married for a few years now and so many things have changed. We never had children and just as we were about to adopt one, I was diagnosed with liver cancer. I've fought, I've cried and I've lived like I wouldn't see tomorrow but the doctors told me that I don't have a chance to survive this. I'd loose the fight. I had done everything for nothing. I'd die. A few weeks ago, the doctors told me that I don't have that much time anymore and I decided to not to die in the hospital. I wanted to die at home where all my friends could be around me, where my husband was around me even though he'd sleep while I was dying. But I wouldn't be alone. That was the only wish I had. And now I'm lying here with pain that would've been much less severe in the hospital. But it was worth it.I knew that I'd die today. I just felt it. I couldn't eat anymore. I couldn't drink anymore. I felt that I was going to loose my energy. I felt that I was tired and... I kinda felt peace. Just like hell was calling for me.

"Hello, Sweetie" Moutain said while he walked in and I rolled my eyes, weak. "Hey, my big one." I said and he sat down at the edge of my bed. I could see that he was faking his smile and I could see the tears in his eyes. "Come to me." I said and pointed behind me. He looked at me uncertainly before finally jumping behind me and snuggling into me. "How are you?" he asked and I sighed. "Pain's getting worse." I said, honest. Why should I lie? I saw that he flinched a little bot because he didn't wanted me to be in pain but I knew he couldn't change it. "Do you want to take you pills?" he asked but I shook my head."Not now. There are so many things I want to tell you." I said. "Because I know it will be the last time I'm taking them. I feel it." I saw tears forming in his eyes immediately but he wiped them away.

"Hey, my hero." I said and began to stroke him softly. "It's okay, you are allowed to cry." I said and finally he let the tears fall. "Wha-What did you wanted to tell me, my love?" he asked and I smiled a bit."You the best person I've ever met." I started. "You are so soft and lovely and you can make me laugh." he had to smile even though he started to cry harder. "I'm really happy that I could meet you." he nodded."I'm also glad that I could meet you, tiny one." he gave me a soft kiss on my forehead."I'm so glad that I was allowed to love you and that you made me so happy all these years." er smiled and gave me another kiss on my lips. The kiss was sad, but soft and I just loved it. "Please don't get the others until I'm asleep. I-I don't want to see them again while I'm awake. I couldn't stand it." I said and he nodded again. I knew that it was unfair but I really didn't wanted to cry.

"Maybe we'll see each other tomorrow. Who knows?" he said but I shook my head."I don't think so, my love. The pain is too bad. I don't wanna do this longer." Now he looked away. He looked at the beside tavle where the injection with my medicine lay. It seemed like Mountain knew I had increased the dose earlier to make it go faster because he hesitated. "It is the same injection like usual." I said, not wanting it to count as euthanasia. If he didn't knew, no one could say something against it. He took the injection with shaking hands and carefully injected me with the morphine. "Thank you." I said and he nodded before he laid it down again. He took my hand and looked at me."I love you, Mountain." I said and he smiled, weak. "I love you too, Fleur." he gave me another kiss before everything got dark and I fell asleep.

Mountains Pov

Her time has come. She won't wake up again. I wrote into our WhatsApp group with shaking hands before I threw away my phone. A few tears rolled down my cheeks even though she was still breathing but it hurted so much to know he wouldn't wake up again. While I waited for them to arrive, I sang "Life Eternal" to her because I knew that she loved this song. It was our song. We played it during our first wedding-dance. I just hoped that she could hear me so she could sing it together with me in her mind. 

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