Rain - Mama's boy

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Tw! Drinking parent, Mention of depression and self-hatred, Disappointment of the family, Comparing siblings

It was late in the evening when Rain was on his way home. The cold autumn wind blew through the trees and the only light was provided by the bright moon. The road was wet because it had been raining all day. Nevertheless, the young ghoul walked home with a smile on his face. He had just been out with his best friend before his mother drove him home. There were only a few meters left to walk before he could sit back down in his warm and cozy room. Just as he was about to open the garden gate, he stopped. He remembered that today was Friday. That meant it was the weekend and...

The ghoul sighed deeply. Over the weekend, his mother's alcohol addiction came to the fore. Every time she didn't have to go to work the next day, she was drunk. It didn't matter if it was on the weekend, when she was on vacation, or when she was sick. As soon as she didn't have to go to work the next day, she sat down in her kitchen and started drinking. The last time she'd been sick, she'd even given up her medicine just so she could drink alcohol. He removed his hand from the handle. Without alcohol she might be a good mother, but with alcohol she was a monster. Since he wasn't an adult yet, moving out wasn't possible. Running away would be an option, but to where? He couldn't go to his best friend because that's where she would find him and then everything would get worse. He couldn't go to his sister either because she lived in the same house, just in a different apartment and his grandparents weren't an option either. They lived too far away, plus they didn't really like him. What was much worse was that he had to go through it alone today. His father was at work overnight, so he couldn't help him.

Sighing, he opened the gate and ran further into the hallway, where he stopped again and sat down on the stairs.
He wanted to avoid going into the apartment for as long as possible. He didn't understand why no one tried to help her. Why no one tried to tell her she was sick and to stop. Actually, he knew the answer. Nobody dared because she would freak out. Because she would scream at the person who dared to say this to her and say that it wasn't an illness and that she could decide for herself when she drank alcohol and when she didn't. Rain had experienced it himself before.

When he was about 11, he had subconsciously realized that there was something wrong when she drank. He was actually afraid of her because she was acting so strangely and he didn't know why. It had been at a family celebration. His grandparents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary the next day and his mother toasted it with his grandmother. She wanted to drink more, but Rain looked at her.
"Mom, you'll have enough to drink tomorrow," he had said when they had just walked home and she had said that she wanted to drink another glass. Little Rain had suddenly felt a pain in his arm as his mother yanked him back to look at him.
"This is my decision!" She had shouted at him.
"I'm an adult, you don't have to tell me when I drink and when I don't!" At that moment he had been very afraid of her for the first time. Her evil gaze piercing him, the loud voice that echoed in his ears, the painful grip on his arm and the terrible feeling of having done something wrong. The feeling of having said something really bad.

Today Rain was 17 and knew he hadn't said anything wrong. He had only told her the truth, but she didn't want to hear it. She did not accept mental illness. Neither on others, nor on herself.
To her, such illnesses was just meaningless chatter and a cry for attention. That's why he never told her that his condition was getting worse. He was on the verge of depression, his social anxiety was getting worse and he was less and less satisfied with himself. With his appearance, with his body. But he wouldn't tell anyone about it, because no matter who in his family he told, they would turn to his mother and tell her. But this would be the worst thing that could happen to him. She wouldn't accept it, would put him in the nearest clinic and tell the whole family as soon as she got drunk again. Then he would be the black sheep of the family again. The failure, the disappointment. That wasn't what he wanted. Just like he didn't want to go into her apartment now, because he couldn't just go into his room. He had to tell her he was back first so she wouldn't worry. Well... Although she would only worry when she woke up sober in the morning and realized that he hadn't told her that she is home, yesterday and then she would be really angry again and yell at him again. So he preferred to sit there for a while. It wasn't the first time he'd done this to put off this unpleasant encounter for a while.

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