Sodo - Burnings

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"Come on, it won't be hard either," I said encouragingly to Sodo. I tried cooking with him, but it turned out he wasn't very good at it, and he wasn't very enthusiastic either.
"I don't know, I guess I'm just not good at cooking," Sodo murmured, which made me smile.
"That's not bad. I'll show you and help you with it. And if you don't like it, then we won't do it again.” I smiled encouragingly, which must have motivated him a bit.

"Come on. You're experimental in other things too!” I winked at him, which made him grin.
"But I am in control in situation like that," he whispered in my ear, making me boil. I liked that side of Sodo.
"Here too." I teased him, which is why he finally gave up and stood up.
"So... What do we have to do?" he asked and I handed him the board and knife.

"We cut our vegetables." We decided to make a salad with everything we liked so much. It was easy and should do for starters.
"I'll make the lettuce while you chop the tomatoes, okay?" I asked and he nodded a little uncertainly. I started tending to the lettuce but noticed that it wasn't progressing.

"You okay?" I asked amused and he nodded.
"Yes... I just don't quite know how to start," he admitted and I smiled.
"I'll show you" with that I stood behind him, a bit on tiptoe, so that I could really see everything well. I now took both of his hands in mine and showed him how to cut the tomato.
"First cut in half and then lay down with the side that is cut open." I began to explain and guided his hand to the tomato and did exactly as I told him.
“And now just cut into slices” I showed him that again, directing his hand.

"You did well" I kissed his cheek which made him smile.
"Do you like it when I praise you?" I asked and he looked at me with a teasing face.
"Who knows. Maybe" he just grinned, but I didn't give up that easily.
"Go on, good boy" I saw that he blushed slightly which made me giggle. Seeing Sodo with red cheeks was a rarity.

As Sodo cut the next tomato, I looked to make sure he was doing really well. And indeed it looked good.
"Good boy" I said again with a teasing grin before kissing the crook of his neck. The moment my lips touched his skin, his entire body tensed, but he kept cutting with concentration. I was amazed at his self-control. Now I went back to my lettuce, chopped it up and put it in a bowl.

"What do I do when I'm done?" He asked and I pointed to the same bowl.
"Everything in there" I smiled and Sodo did exactly what I told him to do. We cut the vegetables for a while until we finally had everything we wanted in the salad. I just took it to the fridge to keep it cold
"Now we just have to fry the chicken" with that I took a pan out of the cupboard and put some margarine in it so it would fry better.

"I want to do that!" Sodo called out immediately and I giggled.
"Well, yes," he took the pan and put it on the stove, which of course he turned on. It took a little while to sizzle in the pan.
"Could you please turn the chicken over?" I asked and her nodded. He flipped it over clumsily, as it more or less fell back into the pan.
"Be careful it can splatter" I said which made him chuckle.
"I'm familiar with that. Besides, nothing happens." I just shook my head in amusement and let him do it.

When he flipped the second chicken, exactly what I wanted to avoid happened. The hot margarine spurted out over the pan and onto his hand. Sodo screamed in pain and pulled his hand away, but caught the pan and dragged it with him. I cried out in horror too.

When the pan hit the floor, the margarine splattered all over the kitchen floor and over Sodo's foot, who cried out again. I ran to him in a hurry.
"Take off the sock!" I instructed him, but nothing happened, so I lifted his leg a little and pulled the hot sock off his foot. A few burn blisters had formed on his skin there and looked bad.
"Come with me to the bathroom." I pulled him carefully with me and he whimpered with every step while limping with me to the bathroom. I carefully placed him on the edge of the bathtub.

"I thought a fire ghoul couldn't get burned," I said in confusion as I ran lukewarm water over the blisters on his hand and foot.
"Well, we can burn ourselves, but that's not so easy." He explained calmly while watching me.
"Why don't you make it colder?" Sodo asked before he gritted his teeth in pain.
"Because the temperature difference would be too big. That does more harm than good," I explained and he nodded

"That's it" I grabbed a towel and gently dried him so I wouldn't hurt him. The blisters themselves were enough.
"You know what the benefit of having a girlfriend who is a water ghoul?" I asked with a grin and he looked at me expectantly.
"What exactly?" he asked and I smiled.

"I can help heal your burns" I smiled and gently took his hand in mine.
"I never dreamed I'd be able to lick your hand," I giggled before carefully licking Sodo's hand to let my power cool him down.
He visibly relaxed as the pain subsided.

Now I knelt down in front of him and looked at him a little embarrassed.
"Good. This is going to be the rock bottom of our relationship," I joked as I took his foot in my hand. Sodo looked at me with amusement.
"I'm glad you want to lick my feet," he teased, causing me to sigh deeply.
"Stop laughing!" I complained in a soft voice before I started licking his wound. Again, Sodo relaxed a little more as it stopped burning.

When I was sure it was enough, I stopped licking his foot and kissed it instead. I saw him smirk before he lifted my chin with his left good hand and looked into my eyes.
"Thank you, dear" he smiled broadly. I got up and got a first aid kit from the closet so I could bandage his hand and foot.
When I was done, I looked at it with satisfaction.
"Looks good" I said and he smiled.
"Thanks, Riv" he got up carefully and walked with me into the living room, where I put him down on the couch.

"Close your eyes, I'll be right back," I asked him.
"Why is that?" Sodo looked at me confused and I smiled.
"Just trust me" with that I walked into the kitchen and grabbed two bowls from the cupboard into which I packed our salad. With that I ran back to Sodo, putting my own on the table. I ran to him with his bowl and sat carefully on his lap. Well-behaved as he was, he had his eyes closed.

"Open your mouth" I said and he obeyed. I gave him some of his salad with a fork, which he chewed.
"And?" I asked and he smiled slightly.
"It just tastes like salad," he said, quite unimpressed, which made me smile.
"Doesn't it taste better knowing you made it yourself?" I asked him calmly. Sodo smiled even more.
"Yes. That's a big difference." He said sarcastically, his eyes still closed.
"Are you hungry? Do you want me to feed you?" I asked and he nodded with a big grin.
"I'm so hungry you can't even imagine!" he admitted with a smile.

"Then open your mouth again" I asked him and again he obeyed. This time, however, I had plans of my own. I slowly leaned forward and gently placed my lips on his and let my tongue enter his mouth. Sodo sighed contentedly and almost immediately I felt his hands on my hips.
"Watch your hand," I said between kisses before I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. When I broke away from him, Sodo opened his eyes and I looked at him in mock horror.

"What a naughty boy," I said teasingly, making him chuckle.
"How about we move this to the bedroom?" asked Sodo with a mischievous grin. He would not get that satisfaction, however.
"No. You didn't listen to me." I smiled teasingly at which he just looked at me in horror.
"Why not? please!" He looked at me with begging dog eyes.
"Because I know you're not going to have fun doing this," I said and he looked at me confused.
"I always have fun doing it!" He defended himself with crossed arms, even if he had to take care of his bandage.
"How are you going to have fun with that? You couldn't even be dominant, you'd have to play a little sub today," I saw him muse before he sighed.
"You're right," he mumbled and I grinned.

"Besides, you're eating now before anything else happens here," Sodo murmured dissatisfied, but started to eat his salad while I was still sitting on his lap. After eating, I set our bowls on the table before slowly laying down on top of Sodo and snuggling into him.
"I love you, sodomizer," I mumbled sleepily, making him smile.
"I love you too, Riv" He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me, being careful not to accidentally hurt himself.
"But next time we'll cook something that won't burn me, okay?" he asked and I giggled.
"Yes my darling. We'll do that"

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