Swiss (x Sodo) - Toxic

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TW! toxic and abusive relationship, anxiety attacks, "Believe me!"


I felt my head hit the floor as I reached the end of the stairs. Pain ran through my entire body and I could hardly breathe. I lay there for a while, barely moving lest I feel any more of the pain until I heard my girlfriend Caroline, walk towards me.
"Swiss!" She cried out in horror and grabbed my shoulder when she got me. I flinched in pain because I got injured when I fell down the stairs. I groaned as I sat down, every movement hurting me. I looked at my girlfriend. She had tears in her eyes and gently stroked my hand.

"I'm sorry! So sorry!" she whimpered. I knew she felt bad for hitting me again.
"It will never happen again! I promise!" she said urgently and I nodded.
"I know it was my fault. I shouldn't have provoked you." I mumbled. I knew she hated it when I teased her for fun, especially in an argument, so it was my fault. I should have just let it go.
"I'll never do it again." I promised her honestly.

"What exactly? Flirt with other women or provoke me?" she asked irritably and glared at me.
"I didn't-" I started, but stopped because her arm was twitching again, fighting the urge to smack me in the face. I flinched in shock and said nothing.

I hadn't flirted with another woman, but she didn't believe me. She thought I was flirting with the new ghoulette Aurora when I helped her get over her stage fright, but she was wrong. Sure, Aurora was pretty, but she just wasn't my type. I had no romantic interest in her, so I had no reason to flirt with her.
"Sorry." I finally said and she nodded before standing up. Her tears were gone.

"Try not to fall down the stairs next time, clumsy." She said, getting up before walking into the living room. I looked after her confused. I thought she pushed me. Still, I was glad she didn't and it was my fault.
I sighed and stood up, feeling every bone in me because they ached and stretching cautiously, which didn't really help. I could feel every bruise on my body and my head was buzzing like shit.

"Swiss?" Caroline called my name. "Where's your phone?" she asked and I sighed internally. The evening check...
I felt every single pocket I had, but couldn't find my cell phone. I was starting to panic because I couldn't find it. I tried hard to figure out where it could be, which wasn't easy because of the headache, until it finally came to me.

"I forgot it at the ministry! I'll pick it up quickly!" I hurriedly grabbed my jacket and ran out of the house before she could say anything. I knew I would feel a hit later for that, but I didn't care. It was my fault. If I hadn't forgotten, I wouldn't have to worry about it, and I didn't deserve it.

Despite the headache, I got in my car and drove to the ministry without an accident. I carefully got out of the car, holding my waist a little because it hurt, before finally walking through the large front doors. I had moved out a few months ago to be able to spend more time with Caroline. I missed my old home, but since I still attended the rituals, I wanted to be with her as often as possible.

Once inside I looked around. There was no one in the lobby, which reassured me a lot because I didn't want to make another excuse for my bruises. I said many times that I'd bumped into myself, or that I'd gotten into a fight with a drunk person because they all accepted that more than the fact that it was my girlfriend who was pointing out a mistake.
They also never said anything to Sodo when he was walking around with bruises. In his defense, it's not uncommon for him to fight, or sometimes have hickeys. Even though he was more of a dominant person, he loved showing others what he did last night.

I rushed to the rehearsal room to get my cell phone. It was dark in here, for apart from the light of the setting sun, which came in through the window, there was no light here. I walked to my seat and looked for my phone. It was between my microphone and one of my two guitars. I checked to see if I had any messages, but apart from Mountain, who asked if I'd like to have a beer with them tonight, no one had texted me.

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