Primo, Terzo, Secondo-I'm with you always

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Yesss, I'm back xD.
But honestly, I'm not in the mood for spicy/romantic content. (Actually some of you maybe figured out that I love Drama). But yeah, idk what to say, I felt like writing this and nearly cried.
So have fun!

Tw!: Death, Grief, Execution

The last thing I remember before losing consciousness was pain. A sting on my neck and the pressure as a liquid was injected into my body. A cold darkness remained in my body. It felt like my body was sleeping, but my head still seemed wide awake. I could hear voices. They were far away and I couldn't identify them with anyone, even if they were familiar to me. I didn't understand what they were saying, but they were there.

Eternities seemed to pass before my head started to hurt and the voices slowly became clearer until I realized they were saying my name.
"Terzo..." The familiar voice said worried and even a little afraid. It was so familiar, but my head hurt too much to concentrate.
"Terzo!" The voice said again. I wanted to open my eyes to see who was speaking, but my eyelids seemed so heavy. All I wanted to know was whether the other person was a friend or an enemy. I wanted to know if I was safe or if I should be afraid.
"Apparently he's not awake yet, so Stop it..." Another, darker voice murmured. This person was also familiar to me.
"Of course he's slowly waking up, brother. His breathing is changing. You just never paid attention to details..."
Brother? Slowly the fog in my head cleared and I realized who was with me. My older brothers.

“Pr-mo,” I mumbled, but my voice was still far too weak.
"I'm here, brother. Don't be afraid"
I blinked a bit, my vision was totally blurry and I couldn't really keep my eyes open for long. But I could tell from the voice alone that Primo was unsettled. His voice seemed older and frailer than usual.
"Where are we?" I asked and kept my eyes closed, but slowly felt the strength coming back into my body.
“Just on the way to a 5-star hotel in the Hollywood Hills,” Secondo muttered sarcastically. If my eyes were open, I would have rolled them in annoyance.
"And where are we really?" I asked again. Sometimes my brother could drive me crazy.
"We do not know." Primo began.
"Some dark room. Based on the stone walls, I'd guess we're still in the Ministry. We don't have a window, so it's probably the dungeon."
"Dungeon?" I asked confused and now opened my eyes. The room was dark and small. The only light came from a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Primo, Secondo and I sat on a wooden chair, our arms tied to the arms with ropes and our feet to the chair legs.

"Why would the Ministry put us in the dungeon?" I asked, but then the two of them were silent for a while. This silence was tense and made the back of my neck tingle uncomfortably. They knew something I didn't know. After spending so many years with my brothers, I knew them well enough to know when they were hiding something from me. Like now.

After a while, Primo finally sighed and sat up a little.
"How much do you know about the time in the '60s when Papa Nihil was touring?" He asked calmly, looking at me with his different colored eyes that were slowly becoming milky with age.
"Well... He was never there and suddenly started talking about Copia. About how he has an illegitimate son, but we don't have to worry about him endangering our position as Papa Emeritus." I briefly summarized what I still knew.

"But what does that have to do with the Ministry locking us in the dungeon?"
"The Ministry isn't what it used to be" Secondo growled, but all of this just confused me even more.
"Wh-...Now could you please tell me what's going on here?!" I asked now irritably. I didn't like it here in the dungeon.
The darkness had always unsettled me and I was nervous about this whole situation
"Sister Imperator..." Primo began.
"Was Papa Nihil personally assigned as his right hand man in the 60s" he glanced at Secondo briefly before turning his eyes back to me.
"Papa has always been in love with her and still is. The problem with this... idiot... is that he doesn't really handle his relationships well. He's unfaithful, demands too much and is stubborn. But at the same time he is obsessed with someone when he really loves the person"
Primos cleared his throat briefly and looked at his lap. With every word his voice faltered a little more.

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