when you teach your toddler how to take care of a baby | JJK

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"seo-a! mummy got you something!" you placed the bag on the table as your daughter picked herself up and waddled over to you. you leaned down to pick her up due to your pregnant belly you were struggling a bit but it was alright. your boyfriend exited his home office and saw you carrying his child quickly ran over to carry her instead. fearing that it will hurt your back.

"mama!" your daughter yelled as she got pulled away by her father. "it's ok, im alright", you whispered to him. "fine, but at the counter", he spoke placing your toddler on the counter so that you didn't have to really carry her. giving her a long hug as she feared you'd go away.

"wanna see what mummy got you?" she nodded her head excitedly. "ok, go to the sofa first!" you quickly carried her down from the counter and she rushed over to the sofa. you carried the plastic bag over to the sofa. sitting beside her as she faced you.

you took it out and placed it in front of her. it was a baby doll that was in a teal box, clear plastic at the front so she could see through it. the baby was wearing a pink romper and had a yellow bottle beside it.

"아기 (baby) seo-a" you spoke as she admired it quietly. then getting excited again. "open!" she spoke. "say 주세요 (please)" "tu-te-yo" she held her palms upwards as you gave her the baby doll. she sat with her legs crossed in front of her as you positioned the doll on its back. you gave the bottle that came with the doll to seo-a.

"seo-a you wanna feed her?" she took the bottle as you taught her how to align it to the baby's mouth. "yes! good job sweets!" your boyfriend watched from the floor since the two of you sat on the sofa.

seo-a then took the bottle out of the baby's mouth and tried to drink it. "nono sweets, this is baby milk. you can drink it alright?" you spoke gently pulling it out from her mouth.

since she tried to drink it, jungkook thought she was thirsty so he gave her her water bottle. she handed you the baby toy bottle as she drank her own water.

you tried to train her on how to be gentle with the baby and how to feed it. it didn't go as well as expected since she can get very violent. but you hope to work on it in the future.

"okay, let's go for nap time then", seo-a smiled slightly as she was also feeling tired. you wanted to carry her to the room but your boyfriend beat you to it.

but she dropped the baby doll she was holding while on the way to the room. "ah no", your boyfriend spoke as you were about to pick up the doll. fearing that it would make you feel uncomfortable, he didn't let you do anything.

so he also finished his work early and ended up napping with the two of you.

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