bringing your kids to work | JJK

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As you heard the cries of your Daughter, you immediately walked up the stairs to see why she was crying.

Unsurprisingly, her pacifier was out of her mouth which caused her to start wailing. You placed her pacifier in her mouth which surprisingly isn't work as she continued to cry.

You then picked her up and placed her head on your shoulder patting her back. Soothing her. "Babe! Are you ready?" You heard the sound of your Husband. Today you are bring your 3 week old Daughter, Areum, to work.

"Yup!" You said as you carried her down. "Mummy, lets go" your 4 year old son Jeonsan said as he skipped through the door with his small backpack on.

"let's bring you to work honey bun" jungkook said in a cute voice making her giggle. You then walked out of the door as jungkook closed the door. With the baby bag in his hands.

You placed Areum in her car seat and Jeonsan got in the back seat on his own. You helped Areum with her seat belt before the four of you drove off.

As the four of you pulled up at the car park. You saw the 6 other men ready to help you move your daughter out. Jungkook alighted first to get Areum's stroller as you unbuckled her. As you brought her out the boys were in aw about the little angel.

After the boys helped setting up the stroller as you placed her in. You got out. Pulling the car seat forward. Allowing Jeonsan to get out. "Hello Uncles" Sannie said. "Hi San" they said.

The six men then pushed Areum in her stroller and walked together with Jeonsan. Leaving you and Jungkook. The two of you then held hands and walked behind them.

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