when your 1 month old cries at night | JJK

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For the third time today, your baby started crying. You had a one month old daughter, Aerin.

She had her first month baby shower today. All your friends came over to celebrate her first month.

She had to take a lot of pictures. And her father is Jeon Jungkook. From BTS, he is also the first to be a father.

So obviously news reporters tried to snap pictures of the little bundle of joy. Since she was really young, you two wanted to keep her away from the media for a while.

When your pregnancy was released, you received a lot of backlash. People started to send hate, but your boyfriend was there with you.

When you two found out, he was beyond happy. He always wanted to be a dad. He supported you throughout. Even if it meant to miss interviews.

If he goes on tour he always had to make a choice. Bringing you along to the airport is a huge risk. Putting your care into your parents might me a risk too as they are getting older.

He put you in the care of his sister, Jung En. She was a sweet lady, she has a husband and is four years older than Jungkook.

So he trusts her to take care of you. He checks on you as much as he can and you keep him updated on your daily life with the baby.

When you had to give birth, Jungkook was performing in a concert. When the news of your birth spread, the staff immediately told Jungkook.

He cut off the concert for you. He loved you and Army, but you were in pain. He rushed to your side.

When your daughter came out to the world, you held her close to your chest. Her cries filled the room. Jungkook kissed your forehead before looking at you and his creation. He cried tears of joy.

But today, with all your friends over it was noisy for her especially with all the flashes of pictures. You carried her around and people took pictures with her. She wasn't use the environment of noise and flashes hence, tears poured out from her eyes.

"Wahhh! Wahhhh!" Your baby cried. You sat up, wanting to tend to her needs. "I'll get her" your husband said. Turning on the night lamp. Walking over to the side of your bed where the crib was placed.

"There there love", your husband said. He picked up your daughter. Starting with his hands under her head and the other by her hip. Placing her by his chest.

She didn't really stopped crying. But she did tone down when she felt safe in the embrace of her father. She gripped his shirt tightly and her father walked around the room. Patting her bum.

She then softened and soon fell asleep. Jungkook walked about two more rounds before walking back to her crib. Placing her down.

As he lied down beside you, he wanted to give you a peck, only to find you smiling at him. "Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked. "I can't miss this father daughter moment", you replied. He smiled, kissed you and turned of the night lamp.

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