A not-so average dream with a weirdly average day

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"No where to run savage...." 

The man spoke, welding a long, slender and sharp weapon, glinting from the flames that surrounded us. The crackling from the fire, the roar of water from behind, the thunder from the rain and his foul voice, all the sounds I heard, everything I saw, all vile and frightening. 

"Any last words?" 

His weapon raised to my face, I didn't know what he said, but I assumed that it was a threat. 

"ᏗᏙᎴᏆᏍᏗᏱ" I spat, preparing to lunge at him. I shifted my weight, ruffled my feathers and snarled. As so as I did, my blood ran cold, the ground below me and the man gave away, we both fell down below, hitting and going under an ice cold substance. I couldn't breath, nor could I see, I felt pain, angoy, like I was being dragged under as I weakly struggled to the surface. I became numb, limp even, as I let go of the light I fought-

"DAAAADDDD!!! Wake up!!" 

*Third person POV* 

America's eyes flew open, a young lady was by his side, a worried look was spread across her flagged face. She was wearing a pale yellow tank-top, a green and red nature inspired jewel bracelet, a pa'u floral skirt with shorts underneath, flip-flops, and a pink-magenta and white flower decorated her long hair.


"Oh thank Pele, I was wondering if I needed to get uncle Dixie in here."

America shifted into a sitting position, he was wrapped in his covers, he obviously tossed and turned a lot in his sleep. well, the little 1-3 hours he got once a week, normally he would only get half an hour before something happened. 

"Sorry Hawai'i, I didn't mean to worry you." 

"It's fine dad, you weren't fully conscious... Bad dream?"

He nodded, letting out a large sigh, exhausted and sore, he folded his bald eagle wings closer to himself.

"Everyone else is awake, DC is handling the paperwork UN sent last meeting, speaking of which, the next meeting is tomorrow, said something about relationships between the superpowers"

America let out a soft chuckle at that, after all, this was nothing new. UN was always the voice of reason, and just like most, was ignored a lot.

"I'll head downstairs, see if I can get them under some control" 

"Alright" America replied, "I'll be down in a few minutes" 

As Hawai'i left the room, America let out a small groan, he slowly but surely got untangled from his bedsheets and stood up. He looked down at his feet, the small eagle scales that dotted his lower legs made his skin itch a little. He put on a short-sleeved black shirt and jeans, wrapping his deep purple and navy NASA hoodie around his waist. He quickly got on his shades to hide his mostly black sclera, with red and blue heterochromic eyes, if you would even call them that, any human like traits they may have had all but vanished a long time ago.

 After making sure he still had his feather necklace on and brushing his fluffy hair, he made his way downstairs. It was oddly quiet today, but he didn't know why. Once America got down the stairs he looked around, from what he could see, Florida was arguing with Texas and California again, Utah was talking to his capital, Salt lake city, most likely about either the paranormal or the LDS church, A handful of capitals and states were playing smash bros on the switch, and a few other small conversations were happening between his kids.

America wandered into the kitchen, grabbing an instant breakfast for himself, his mind soon began to wander, going back to that dream he had, unsure of what it meant, if it meant anything.

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