A meeting gone wrong

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*1st person POV* 

"Dad hurry up! You're going to be late!!!" 

"I know DC, sorry!" I quickly replied as I put on my work outfit, a simple suit but hey, it was comfortable and decent work uniform so I didn't mind. it was about more uncomfortable to wear this time however, strange, I shrugged it off as per usual. My hair was being rather stubborn this morning so I brushed it back the best I could but it was still obvious bed head. As I ran downstairs, DC gave me the documents, seriously, he's the reason UN doesn't yell at me as much as he would. 

"Do you really have to leave right nowww?..." Vermont whined

"Yes, I don't want the whole counsel to continue to think I'm totally irresponsible now do I?"

Vermont sighed, he has always been a bit of a drama queen, but he has gotten better over the years. I patted his head gently, looking at him with a gentle smile.

"I'll be home this afternoon, just as long as no one calls me for an emergency okay? Remember: stay hidden and safe, I don't want any repeats of history now."

Vermont nodded slowly, giving me a small wave as I walked out the door. Once the door was closed, I checked my watch, 9:10 

"Crap! I'm going to be late!" My home was a bit over twenty minutes away from the central city, I had to get there fast if I didn't want to be scolded like a little kid. So I chose the quickest way I could think of, flight. 

*Canada POV*

Where was America, if he wanted to be better about how he is at the meetings, he could at least not be late.

'maybe his kids kept him a bit longer, who knows'

"Does anyone know where USA is?" UN asked, a stern look plastered on his face.

Everyone shook their heads or shrugged, this was quite normal for us.

"Perhaps he passed out playing games or something" China sneered, probably smirking under that mask of his. If only I could defend him, but me and Mex both know, he doesn't want others to know about them, and for good reason.

China was about to mock my brother more when UN silenced him with a look and a hand movement, thank the gods. 

"No matter what the cause is, he should be here by now, so perhaps we should sta-"

*America POV* 

I quickly made my way into the meeting room, trying to not look like an exhausted and panicked fool. Once I got in, I felt many eyes look over at me, it was a rather uncomfortable feeling, but despite that I gave the documents to UN and silently sat down in my chair. The feeling gradually faded as the meeting started, but I could feel a couple countries shooting sharp looks at me, specifically my "rivals" as they said they were. I did my best to ignore it, twas' difficult yes, but I managed to do so, which probably irritated them more.

UN kept bringing up climate change, pollution and wildfires, same old-same old stuff. I began to space out, small segments of the dream I had two nights ago reappearing in my thoughts. My wings were making it hard to do so however, god they were sore, probably from the flight here. I shifted their position, yep, pain, I almost yelped because of it. My pain probably didn't go unnoticed because I heard China chuckle a little, as well as Russia scoffs. 

"Is something funny?" UN sternly asked, his eyes rested on both of them, all of us could tell that he wasn't in the mood for antics today. 

"Just USA being dramatic, he can't sit still nor can he listen." China sneered, his eyes, tone and facial expression just screamed that he was trying to get on my nerves. Well, he was but I remained mostly calm, the sunglasses I was wearing helped hide that and the rather large eyebags I pretty much permanently had.

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