Achievement: terrible secret keeper

461 9 30

*POV: semi 3rd person*

'I regret this already'

America muttered under his breath, clutching his head, he was annoyed about how many of them were asking too many questions, way too fast.

'huh, deja vu already... Alright, let's get this over with.'

"Enough! Please... It's hard enough being here."

UN gazed down at the large gathering of the world countries, his glowing soft eyes resting on the tired mess of the USA. He sighed, "America is right, could we all settle down so he can explain his... Situation to us."

America scowled slightly, he didn't appreciate that him being a father was referred to as a situation, but understood why UN chose those words, so he reluctantly made no comment or rebuttal on it.

"Thank you UN..." He softly said as the room quieted down, "I understand everyone is eager to ask me about this... But please, one at a time, I cannot answer anything if you all are yelling like children."

"Well then..." UK spoke up, his golden glimmering eyes coldly gazing at his own son, "explain exactly, how do you have kids, without any of us knowing!?"

Canada let out a nervous chuckle, "so about that..." Mexico glanced quickly at both him and America, as if asking if he was allowed to tell. 

"You knew Canada?!" UK snapped, his fur ruffled and standing on end from anger.

"Ay... Sí amigo, lo siento, America... no se sentía cómodo con que todo el mundo supiera de todos ellos." (Yes friend, I'm sorry, America did not feel comfortable with everyone knowing about them all.)

"Mexico... Tú eres hablas español, habla Ingles por favor." (Mexico... You're speaking Spanish, speak English please.) America said in a very monotone voice, yet was expressive at the same time.

"Ah, perdon... I didn't realize..." 

Spain's mouth was agape slightly, he seemed surprised that America spoke Spanish flawlessly, his accent even sounded like a genuine fluent Spanish speaker. "¡¿QUÉ?! A- America... I didn't know you spoke Español, sorry, Spanish."

'ah shit'

"W- well, um... I do do business with Mexico a- and well, many of m- my states a- and territories spoke and still speak Spanish s- so..." 

UK narrowed his eyes even more than they already were, appearing as almost fully golden slits, the cold fury within showing like a sore thumb.

"... Dad... Why are you looking like you want to murder America with your eyes...?" Canada nervously cut in, worry plastered all over his red and white flag face.

"He's acting odd, not like I've ever seen him."

"To be fair, this is stressful for him, us too, so let's stop glaring swords and arrows at Ame." 

France chuckled a little, so did Portugal and Spain, it was quite amusing to them to see their little blue lion so pissed off. 

America sighed, "anyways..." He gestured to the huge crowd, "any questions?"

North Korea sneered, "yes actually, how do we know that they're actually you're kids? Not some people you kidnapped or something" 

FBI burst into laughter, even NASA and DC snickered a little, after a solid minute of rough laughing, FBI took a deep breath, "do you realize how stupid you sound right now? Like, the United Nations and NATO both met us all and uncle Canada and Mexico have known about us almost since our creation."

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