The blossom

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*POV: Canada*

"America! Please, snap out of it! Ame!" 

I yelled in panic, desperately shaking my brother in an attempt to get him back to reality and out of whatever this state of mind and mentality was. Everyone in the room was panicking to some degree, trying to grasp all the chaos that was happening. My fathers scrambled over to comfort the two towering and currently sobbing organizations that stood leaning onto the tables. 

"China! What the hell did you do?!" 

"I- I didn't know it would cause... This!"

"In the future, keep your filthy talons off my brother you piss blood fur snake." 

America started to shake and writhe in my grasp, I snapped my attention to him at once, he even started to hiss and spit like a feral animal. Australia and I had to pin him down and tie up his arms and wings with Australia's webs just to prevent him from poking anyone's eyes out. His eyes had gone fully dark, the vibrant pupils vanished into the darkness, an oily black substance oozing constantly both as tears and saliva that dripped from his fangs. 

"Bloody hell..."

"... he's not done this since... Since.... Dixie... Oh shit."


"DC!! Get Dixie in here, now!" 

DC nodded, tapping his wristwatch, in no time at all, he seemingly digitizing into it, taking it with leaving no trace. 

"What the?! Where did he go?!" 

"No time to explain Auss! Keep him down."

As Australia held down the frightened brother of ours, I dashed over to UN and NATO, worried that they were being affected by what was happening to America. Their grip on the tables was immensely strong, I'm surprised that it hadn't cracked yet, not the time to focus on that. 

"NATO? UN? Are you alright?"

"N- no... No w- gah... Are not..."

"It hurts... It hurts..."

"What hurts?"

"I don't know..."

"Fire... So much fire... I... I can't reach him..."

"Him? NATO, speak to me! What's going on?"

The sudden slam of the doors opening nearly made me jump into my defensive form, I sighed in slight relief as Dixie was the one who had rushed in. On the contrary however, I saw many of the European countries who knew of his former name stared on with horror at the sight of the battle flag.

"Dixie! Oh thank the gods above, thanks for getting here so quickly."

"I was already on my way, DC only quickened ma' pace." 

"Right, do you know what is happening to Ame?"

Dixie didn't reply to me after I asked that, he only kneeled down beside the thrashing America, Liberty on his shoulder. UK was beyond furious now, growling like a full blood lion now, causing his voice to become deeper than it actually was. 

"What the fuck is he doing here... Alive!? Step away from America you bloody C-"

"Dad! Chill, he's here to help, just trust me."

"Trust- he's the CSA! I don't trust him with any shit!"

Suddenly, Liberty's eagle screech interrupted our argument before it could get any more heated, and I was very grateful for that. My eyes drifted over to what Dixie was doing, his claws easily cut through the thick spider webs surprisingly, even Australia was startled. America slowly calmed down as Dixie began to comfort him, rubbing the feathers on the sides of his head to sooth our brother. After what felt like hours, the black substance ceased and his pupils faded back into color and glow.

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