A ''small'' situation

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*America POV*

"This is your fault"

I looked up from my slouched position, looking over at my side, North Korea was sitting there, looked more pissed off than ever.

"If it weren't for you, we would have been free to go and saved us the dignity as well." 

"Well, if you weren't so nosey, perhaps we wouldn't be here, plus you called me lazy and childish earlier so that didn't help."

"And yet you just had to be so self-centered to make a big deal out of it."

Well that was it, "SELF-CENTERED?! Look who's talking!"

"Yeah, what about it?! You got a problem with me?!" 

"What's the problem- you out of all people, are the most selfish, inconsiderate, egocentric and insensitive person in the whole council, maybe even the whole world! And you are calling me the one who is in the wrong for defending my boundaries, and you aren't even mad at Canada for looking out for me!"

"He obviously was trying to solve the problem, he's a different story." 

"So you're just looking for an excuse to aggravate me, make me look like a self-absorbed fool huh?!"

"My motives are none of your business, so stay out of it." 

"oh, so they're not that big of a deal then, is that what you're saying?"

"Wh- no I-" as I saw him pause, the look on his face was hilarious when everything clicked in his mind. "Fuck you, you did that on purpose..." 

"Yes I did, and your point is?" 

"...just shut up, 가장 싫은 장소 (asshole)." He growled, I think he started to admit that I was right. 

"If you two are done with your bickering" UN calmly stated as he wandered out of his office, "North, please come in so we can chat."

From what I could tell, North Korea wanted to retort but we both knew that wouldn't end well. Once he reluctantly got up and UN closed the door behind them both, I pulled out my phone again, seeing more texts from Dixie.

Great... Just great...


Dixie: Union, we have a small situation here.

Dixie: hello, are not worried?

Dixie: you're starting to worry me brother, are you alright


America: no, nonono. Sorry Dix, I got caught looking at my phone and I'm in a bit of a predicament.

Dixie: oh gods, what happened? 

America: N.K got a little nosey and ended up yelling at me and Canada, I'm sitting by the door to UN's office and N.K is in there talking to him.

Dixie: ... Why are you there???? North made a fuss

America: probably because of the phone and other things.

Dixie: you were late, weren't you? 

America: only by a few minutes

Dixie: late is late.

America: fuck you

Dixie: wow, your grumpy.

America: I guess... Also, why didn't you telepathically speak to me earlier?

Dixie: oh.... Right.... Well I think it's a mix of stress and something else, I tried but it didn't work and still doesn't.

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