Panic attacks and problems

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*3rd person POV* 

The whole house was in panic, states and cities running left and right, cultural regions and territories trying to make sense of everything, organizations trying to calm everyone down. All the meanwhile, America was silently crying within the quiet of his bedroom, his arms clawed up from his constant rubbing of panic and stress now. Dixie was attempting to keep everything under control but he was miserably failing, mostly because he too was panicking beyond belief. 

UN quietly sulked in the room, NATO didn't look at him once, he was furious at UN because of his frantic and stupid decision that caused this whole mess. Neither spoke, nor moved, the air still and stale from the lack of air circulation. UN silenced his phone as he was getting texts from the other countries under his guidance, UK spread the word to the others, and it was all UN's fault.

America wasn't doing so good either, he had to mute his phone as well, his mind filled with despair as his well protected family and chaotic paradise was crumbling right before his eyes once again.

"I thought I could trust him... That they wouldn't tell.... I was a fool..." He muttered under his breath, his clawed fingers entangled in his hair as he twirled them around. His breathing rapidly sped up and slowed down consistently, unable to stop the salty tears falling from his eyes like a small waterfall. A bad familiar feeling spread throughout his whole body, one of hate and change, as feathers of shades of dark reddish brown slowly emerged from his skin. 

He gritted his sharp fangs, hissing in an inaudible voice, for this was a painful reaction and process, as he was normally knocked out mentally by now if this was any other time he became his defensive form. 

*Union... I need you to calm down...*

*I can't Dixie... I can't...*

*I know it's hard, believe me-*

*Why did he tell them... Why? Why did I trust them.*

*Union, I don't know why either, but you freaking out and turning into a were bird thing won't help.*

*Y.. you're right... God... First losing the twins now this?*

*Union, they're alive, the flower hasn't wilted, we'll find them. Come downstairs, I've got the stampede cornered.*

America sighed, he got up slowly, his muscles aching from the feathers emerging from his flesh. When he made it down to the ground floor, many of the kids were trembling like a scared litter of kittens. NATO was also within the room, he sighed with worry and annoyance at what UN caused within the large family.

"America", NATO spoke in a familiar stern tone, "I apologize on behalf of UN, I didn't know he would do this..."

Hawaii didn't buy it, "Yeah right! You're just saying that to look good!" 

"Hawaii that is enough. It's not an easy situation for any of us, so let's not make it worse." America said, speaking in a calm tone. 

"...fine, Dad." 

He turned to the crowd, having to force his brave face to assure his children and family were reassured. 

"Alright everyone... I think it's about time that we fully reveal ourselves-" 

A wave a shocked gasps and angry shouts immediately sounded from them all, questioning America's judgement.




"The last time we did that... Hawai'i almost died because of.... Her"

"I know you all think I'm crazy... And rightfully so... But lying to their faces when the truth was already known is just... Absurd and will get us in more trouble."

He took a deep breath

"I'll take to UN to schedule a meeting tomorrow, NASA, FBI, DC... You're coming with."

The three nodded, not a word was spoken in against that order.

"Dad?" Montana spoke, "why only them?"

"Because they most likely won't say something out of pocket or do something stupid with the pressure of many world countries. I also don't want anyone getting hurt, the last time anyone was out and about was... Gosh... Decades ago."

NATO sighed, slowly stepping beside America, "sir... Are you sure about this?"

America chuckled and shook his head slowly, "no... But what more can I do..." He brushed off the extra feathers on his arms, which were sent slowly cascading to the ground. "... I'll go talk to UN..." 

America turned on his heels and dragged his feet along the floor as he shuffled slightly with each step. Once he was out of the room, practically everyone's heads snapped to NATO, some even made a cracking sound, their eyes pierced through NATO and into his bones. He stood there, frozen in fear from them all, even Dixie was glaring at him with those unsettling dark eyes.

"Um... So..." 

"You're coming with me NATO" Dixie spoke in a rather low and threatening voice, his southern accent seems to have vanished for a moment.

"Wh- o-okay..."

Whilst Dixie lead NATO outside into the patio, America was already standing outside the door to the room UN was sulking in. He sighed, hesitantly raising his hand to knock, as he did so, the door creaked a little bit, it was already open.

He slowly swung the door further, taking small steps inside the room.


"...yes America?" UN replied in a hushed tone, for he still regretted his decision and believed America was furious at him.

"... schedule a meeting for tomorrow, I plan to finally throw the curtains open on this family."

"Sir?! Are you so sure? I- I get it was my fault for revealing you all but-"

"UN, enough. It's my decision."

"...yes America."


America sighed as he got up, silently hoping that the day before was just a dream but he knew it was all real. His fingers carefully preened and plucked his wings and body feathers, which were all over his back from the stress. He begrudgingly reached for his suit, slowly sliding his arms through the sleeves and smoothing it out, he didn't bother to button it up, it looked fine either way. 

His footsteps slowly shifted back to more human as his talons reverted back into feet, he tied his shoelaces up in a double bow, not used to wearing fancy work shoes at all. He sighed heavily once more, reaching his hand out to the railing as he descended down the swirly staircase from the third floor to the ground floor, where UN, NATO, FBI, NASA and DC were all waiting for him patiently.

*Dixie... You ready?* 

*No... But I'm not backing out now.*

*Do you still want to hide?*

*For a bit... Admittedly it's hard for the kids to recognize me...*

*It's for the best...*

*Alright... Good luck brother.*

America took a deep breath as he stopped the car, he felt the feathers struggling to extend up from their laying position because of the clothing he wore. He gently opened the door and stepped out, looking up at the tall, reflective, meeting building, the organization hub. UN stood beside America as the other four climbed out and began to approach the hub. 

His thoughts raced as he led his three kids closer and closer to the meeting room, where the other countries would be waiting. America, now just outside the room with NASA, FBI and DC clinging to each other in some way, was about to do what he never thought he would do.

"... alright kids... It's time to lift the veil." 

He reached out, turning the door handle and slowly opened the foggy glass doors.

This was it.

(1221 words)

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