Part 1: Bonding?

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*Japan POV*

My hands clenched tight and trembled as I felt many hands grabbing and fondling my tails, pulling them and messing up the fur I spent so long grooming down. I yowled as I felt fangs dig into one, immediately standing up and pulling my tail close to see who or what bit it. The child I saw biting down into my tail looked like they were doing it on purpose, which only irritated me more. In one quick motion, I flicked them off of me, landing with a soft sound on the sofa, resulting in them all backing off.

I sighed as I stormed outside, wanting a break from this crowded and chaotic atmosphere that filled the home. With my arms tightly crossed and my ears back, I stood out in the grass, the branches of the forest around and above swaying to and fro with the breeze. Slowly, I kneeled down, closing my eyes and taking in a deep, calming, and meditative breath, afterwards letting out a long exhale of frustrations. As I did this, I let my illusion slowly fall, revealing my more mystical and spirit self be seen by all who may gaze upon it.

My eyes flew open as I sensed another presence, one I faintly recognized from decades ago, my mother's killer. I swiftly leapt onto all fours my claw outstretched and my teeth bared, extending my two serpentine fangs out as a warning. A pairing of spiritual serpents appeared by my side, slithering from my tails, hissing and swaying as a display of defense and ferocity. Fear and fury rushed through my yokai blood, not knowing who I would be up against, and if I would live through the confrontation.

The figure I laid eyes upon however was not anything I expected, a small statehuman, hibiscus flower adorned her hair, came around the corner where I felt the energy of my mother's murderer. Yet the aura that surrounded her was the feeling of cold blooded revenge and rage, the look in her eyes malicious and cruel. The giggle that slipped from her sinister grin chilled me to the bone, my body froze involuntarily as her evil eyes of deep sapphire met mine.

"Well... Well... Well... Look who we have here..." Her voice was full of venom and dark intent that I tried to scream but my jaw was shut tight. "The eldest heir of imperial Japan... I must say, I expected you to become like your mother, yet you're not..."

"Don't you dare breathe a word about my mother..."

"Why? Ashamed she's your blood?"

"You don't deserve to even know her name you monster!"

"Oh you're mistaken, little pup, she caused her own death, she didn't deserve my mercy of death, that crazy fox should burn in hell and suffer lifetimes of horror for what she did to those poor women."

I growled in anger, she was pushing my buttons, and she knew it. "What do you want with me? Did you just come here to annoy me?"

"You aren't even worth my time, but perhaps I shall do a favor for everyone... And rid this plane of you kitsune"



"Oh good lord..."

The fur on my arms stood straight like needles while all of the unblinking eyes rested on my presence, it was quite unnerving to an extreme. I especially didn't like how two of them were batting at my tail like restless kittens, every time it was pulled I held back a hiss. "Could you quit that?!" I snarled, my irritation shone through like a clean diamond fresh from the polish. 

"Dear, be nice" France's silky and ever so sweet voice was like an immediate calming mechanism to me, yet this time it didn't work so well.

"France, they are quite restless, pulling in my tail! More over, have you forgotten that USA hid them from us for years!?"

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