Two of us?

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My head was throbbing, everything was aching yet is felt so freeing, so new, like I was a different person. I shifted around a little, trying to get as comfortable as I could in the soft material that surrounded me, yet it was quite tight. Still, my body felt so different from what I recall, I felt, tall, way too tall, and my back had much more weight than before. Father would have noticed these changes- wait, father?!

My eyes flung open as I thrashed and kicked in the tight enclosure of what faintly looked like moth silk or something similar. I heard it tear as my head tossed and turned with my body, soon enough I managed to make an opening large enough for me to come tumbling out. Slowly I got up to my knees, my eyes adjusted to the dim light relatively easily and with shocking detail despite it.

As my gaze drifted over to the collapsed weaving of what was a cocoon my headache increasingly got worse. I felt like there was two of me in my own head, my memories were all mixed up and scrambled in a heap. When I shook my head, I felt an extra weight pull on my skull and neck. Trembling, I reached a hand up to feel what it might be, what was supposed to be just hair on my head, however, my fingers met with something cold, and sturdy. Out of instinct I tilted my head up to possibly see what it was, but it just ended up with me toppling onto my back and wings. Now whatever was on my head is now stuck in the soil while my head was in a very uncomfortable and quite frankly painful position.

"Great. Just great."

I struggled to wiggle my head free from the ground and eventually succeeding, rubbing the underside of my neck from the slight pain. I sighed, trying to find something, anything I could see my face in, a mirror or puddle preferably. As I searched through my pockets to find nothing of use, I grew even more annoyed, even my phone was gone. That was until I realized I had no idea where I was, my eyes glowed a light blue as I gazed around the overgrown dark room, the darkened flower in the center right in front of me. Letting out a small gasp, I quickly remembered what had happened before I had awoken, my annoyance and worry turned to panic, quickly searching around for any signs of NATO. 

"NATO! NATO where are you?!"

I shouted, not caring if anyone other than NATO heard me or not, I was more worried about his safety than mine. My wing ears spread out to pick up on any sound and it wasn't long before I heard a muffled groan. I staggered over to the sound's origin, finding an identical cocoon that I was in, just smaller. Reaching slowly, my now clawed hands ripped into the silky weaving, tearing a large part off, revealing a very asleep and changed NATO curled up comfortably within.

As I gripped NATO by the clothing collar, my panic became more evident with each change I noticed. When I pulled him out, he whinned and curled up like a fox, now having a feathered dinosaur like tail to nuzzle into. That was only the tip of the iceberg, I yelped in fear of his new form that he had somehow acquired. It seems I was loud enough to startled him awake as he suddenly sat up and frantically looked around before his gaze rested on me. He appeared to gain fear and worry in an instant as we looked at each other, even with his new appearance, he was still the same NATO.

I immediately let go as soon as he let out a loud scream, flinching back and gripping my wing ears in pain.

"What the hell NATO?!"

"UN?! What happened to you?! Why do you look like that?!"

"Rude, but I could ask you the same thing! Why do you have dinosaur parts!?!"

NATO quickly glanced down at himself, finding his feet were of digitigrade anatomy with long talons reaching out of his torn footwear. His discovery of such lead to his panic rising with each part he examined, from his tail to his claws and spikes. I lunged forward, quickly placing my hand over his mouth to prevent him from eliciting another yell of fear, trying to hold in my nervous curiosity from his earlier statement about me. 

"NATO, can you please not scream? We need to think logically about- eugh!" 

I withdrew my hand from his mouth, flicking it around in an attempt to remove the saliva he had placed on it. 

"Gross! Why did you lick my hand?!"

NATO simply shrugged and held back a laugh, which infuriated me more. I growled, wiping my hand off on his sleeve, he didn't seem pleased about.


"You licked my hand, you clean it up."

"Ugh, whatever."

I took a deep, calming breath, regaining as much ease as I could in the moment.

"Now... I would like to know, what do you mean I'm different?"

"You don't know?! Look at yourself! You have antlers and three tails!"

My eyes widened as I reached up again, feeling the smooth surface on a pair of swirly antlers growing out of my skull. I let out a gasp and whipped my head around to find three long, cyan glowing tails extending from under my clothes. In a panic I let out a yelp, scooting away out of instinct, four of my wings wrapped arms as I curled up into a tight ball. 

"UN! I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry!"

"Just look at us NATO... We're something... Monstrous"

"And we'll figure it out, c'mon, don't be like that"

"...why are we acting different too... It's like we're completely different people..."

NATO went silent as he seemed to remember something, something terrible.

"Before we passed out... We got memories... Horrible ones..."

My eyes widened in realization, I uncurled a bit, "you're right..."

I struggled hard to recall the events that had Invaded my mind, yet none came. huffing in frustration and pain as my head continued to throb with aches. I continued to grunt and groan from the muscle spasms throughout my face and sides, each time I tensed to remember, it got worse. Both of us were in pain, gripping and clutching at our heads constantly trying to see even a glimpse of something. Yet all at once it was like we changed, I looked around, confused as to where I was and why we looked like this. 

"Brother? When were you this tall, and in that outfit?"

"I have no clue, fuck, my head is like Tex hit me over it with his gun twelve dozen times."

"Gods, same... Where's dad??"

"I don't know- gah!"

"NATO? Is something wr- ACK!!!"

I blinked a couple as the pain faded once again, gasping for breath, it was like I was kicked out of my own body for a moment. NATO panted heavily as he struggled to stay upright while sitting, his teeth gritting together to ease the tension. I trembled in fear as I began to process what had just transpired between us, this transformation had altered us from the inside as well!

"NATO... Did... Did that actually happen?"

He slowly nodded, still fighting for air after the scare of the mental swap.

"Gods... Well, we need to find America, he should know about the flower and what happened to us"

"... America?"

I paused, the memories slowly coming together, my eyes widened and tears started to form as we looked at each other with a look only brothers could share.

"... he's..."

"....Our Father..."

(1267 words)

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