Part 2: Bonded

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*POV: Japan*

Swinging my claws and biting through the spear with fangs, I desperately and furiously fought against my attacker. Her skill was advanced however, so I was struggling to even stay focused on her position, I expected such from the one who killed my mother. I failed to keep up, I was getting hurt badly, my ears were cut, my arms were bruised, a large gash opened across my torso as blood began seeping out of the wounds.

"I'll admit... You put up a much better fight than your mo-" 

I snarled, interrupting her snarky remark about her, gods, she was so hell bent on comparing me to her. I leaped at her on all fours, my golden bloodshot eyes full of tears and hatred for what she's done. I clamped down on her spear, my teeth sinking down into the soft material and holding a strong grip. I saw her smirk, it made my blood run hot with anger, how could she act so proud for taking someones life? It baffles me.

"You witch! How dare you be so... So proud of taking someones life?!"

"Come now... Don't act like you have clean hands, I highly doubt anyone has no blood on their soul here... None of us are going up, best to enjoy it..."

Her words made me sick, enjoy killing?! What kind of psychopath is she, as a child?! I admit she's probably much older than me because of her aura but still...

My thoughts were cut short as I felt her drive a dagger into my back, grabbing me tightly in a chokehold as I yowled and screamed, the blade slowly drilling in further by her hand. This was torture, my nerves were stinging like she found a weak point, it was hell and she knew it. For a moment I thought for sure I was going to pass out from the massive amount of pain I felt rushing through my body. I managed to catch my breath as her grip was hoisted up from me and the blade removed as it began quickly healing. 

I looked over behind me as I saw Australia, using his webs to give me some time, such a kind soul my love is. As I heard a shriek of fury from above, my head immediately shot upwards to find her, wings spread wide as her expression was full of rage beyond comprehension. She dove towards me at such a speed to make her a blur, yet this time, I wasn't scared. I let out a howl, feeling my fox spirit ignite with power, the kitsune side of my mind was so loud I couldn't hear anything but it's desire.

My tails shot forth, catching her by surprise and entangling her tightly in a knot of fur and flesh. She tried desperately to get out of the death grip they had on her, but it was completely useless. I tossed her around side to side like a ragdoll, I had never felt such power and relief to just let everything out. I was deaf to all the shouting my friends and significant others were doing in my direction, I couldn't hear any of them. 

As my tails paused midair, I looked up at the stunned little state, her eyes wide, we stared at each other for probably a good minute. My mind slowly came back to reasoning as my magic slowly became controlled once more. She started to chuckle slightly, which turned into genuine laughter, I could not help but laugh along with her. I gently set her down on her back and lay beside her, chuckling together. 

"You know Japan"


"You aren't half bad"

"Heh... Thanks"



Hurts... Everything hurts... 

My vision was slowly coming back, as bright light washed over me, I winced as it was painful on the eyes. My eyelids squinted open, taking a moment to adjust to the lighting of wherever I was. When I finally was able to function, I immediately sat up, and regretted it. My whole body was sore and my head was pounding, the extra dizziness did not help with the situation either.

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