Investigation = secret no longer

657 15 21

((! warning ! This chapter contains hints of self h∆rm, self hate, and pills, if you are sensitive to the topics, proceed with caution))

*America POV* 

"God damnit!" I shouted at myself in the mirror, punching a wall as well. I was so frustrated and worried about what had happened to UN, angry at myself that I let it happen. They probably are thinking of telling everyone now, god, I was so stupid... 

I looked back at my hand, my knuckles were bleeding a little from punching the wall so hard, but I felt no pain. I sighed, still terribly frustrated at the situation, UN and NATO were going to ask him so many questions now... ughhhhh.

"Dad, are you okay?" A couple of my kids had walked in, San Juan and Puerto Rico, I never realized or heard them.

", no I'm not... UN was attacked by Rex." 

"Oh my goodness, is he okay?!" 

"I hope... but now him and NATO are no doubt suspicious of something else..."

"...does that mean everyone is going to find out..?" 

"No. I mean- I hope not..."

I sigh, the stress was getting to me even more than it already was. I didn't want to stress out my own kids because of it however, I had to keep calm for their sake. 

"Look, you two, go play outside or whatever... I need time to think." 

I sighed as they left without a word, clutching my arm from the constant ache. I slowly walked into the bathroom, stripping off my shirt and jacket, not in that order. As I glanced at my scar covered, messed up body with hatred, I took off the bandages I had used to cover the crack, which was slightly bigger and black, the veins running under it were stained with the black ooze that always came with these things. I sighed, clutching my feathered necklace, in a flash of golden light, the crack and coloration was gone, but a patch of small downy feathers replaced it in the spot. No matter, they would fall out soon anyways, like before. I reached for my shirt but I paused as I glanced at a drawer, where I kept something of mine. I shook my head, looking down at my bandaged forearms, no America, you're better than this, there is no point in using it on yourself anymore...



Well, this morning was interesting, with UN being attacked by a supposed pet of one of America's kids, and that there might be more than what's on the surface, well, undoubtedly there is more to this family.

 *Sigh*  "this house is a maze and more, scratch that, a labyrinth." I muttered to myself. Whilst I was rummaging around for any clues about this family or anything that can help us understand what is happening, I kept getting almost loosing my way, each hallway was a mess of twists and turns. I explored around before coming across a room with an open door, peaking in, I noticed it wasn't super tidey but livable. As I snuck in, immediately, I realized this was America's room, with all the feathers strewn about and his belongings on shelves, it was definitely his.

He probably won't appreciate me looking through here without permi- 

My thoughts stopped in their tracks, noticing a small, empty pill bottle on his nightstand. My eyes widened with shock and much worry, who knows what that meant...

I hesitantly stepped closer to it, carefully reaching a steady hand to grab the bottle, examining it carefully once I did. "Antidepressant pills?! He never told us...right, probably not the best idea with all his enemies... God fucking damnit..." I cautiously put it right back on the table, my thoughts full of worry.

What else is he hiding here...

As I continued searching quietly, I noticed a small door in the back of his closet, just large enough for me to squeeze through. I contemplated if I should but something in me pulled me towards it, to look, I think it was my curiosity though...

I discreetly and gently pushed the door open, it creaked ever so slightly but in the silence, it echoed throughout the entire room. I flinched and opened slower from it, dreading what would happen if I got caught. As I scooted and shuffled into the room, slowly shutting the door behind me, my eyes widened in utter surprise. 

The room I was met with was not what I was expecting, in fact, it didn't even seem like a room. It was overgrown so much in ivy, grass and saplings along with other plant life I did not recognize plenty or small weeds of various kinds dotted across the undergrowth covered floor. What caught my attention almost immediately however, was the beautiful, almost ready to bloom, blue flower bud in the dead center, a small stream of sunlight pointed at it, bathing it in constant dim light.

Something compelled me to walk closer, and I didn't object, I carefully got closer to it, crouching down to admire and examine the glowing plant. It felt like it had a faintly familiar aura emitting from the bud.  I reached out to touch it, however, something in my mind, kept me from running even a fingertip on a single leaf. I sighed getting up, whatever this room was, it definitely wasn't normal. Something in this room made me anxious, and I knew, deep down in my soul, that I was connected to it.



My arm was surprisingly healing quite fast, it had only been about three hours since the incident but it wasn't bleeding and the pain was gone. I sat on the bed, towel wrapped around my shoulders, contemplating everything I had witnessed and experienced here. Why was America acting so... calm, like he wasn't even scared that there was an alligator in the first place, heck, why did he even allow his kid to own one?!

I got up with a sigh, my clothes were still soaking wet and haven't dried one bit. They were quite uncomfortable, with it being so cold and clingy to my skin, I wanted to take them off but I completely forgot a change of clothes. Out of everything I could have forgotten, it had to be clothes, how did I manage to mess up that badly?

As I looked around the room, I caught the glimpse of a feather, just underneath the door, barely sticking out so I could see. I wandered over, picking it up carefully as to not damage it, it was a nice brown color, iridescent even. Odd, how did it even get there? I haven't seen any feathers like this since... well, ever really, or that I can recall. 

I slowly shuffled out of the room and out into the hallway, in the middle of it, a trail of almost identical feathers. As I bent down to examine the feathers, a deep, low growl , one of malicious intent, echoed through the once still air and walls, sending a shiver of fear through my spine whilst my blood ran cold.

"What in the name of hell..." I muttered under my breath, my voice ever so slightly quivering with fear. I couldn't move, my body froze and stiff from it, which made me panic more. After a few solid, and silent minutes, I finally mustered the courage to do what the idiots in horror movies do, go look and maybe get themselves killed. 

As I peaked around the corner, a glimpse of something large, a beast or a monster even, because no birds is that big, dashed down the stairs, leaving a trail of the same feathers I had discovered our in the halls. My eyes remained wide with terror, that thing was huge, bigger than me, and... humanoid slightly? No, it couldn't have been, those eyes through... the glowing.. golden amber...

I ran straight back into the bedroom, shutting and locking the door. I was panting and panicking, rummaging through my luggage for something. 

"C'mon, c'mon.." I hastily grabbed out my phone, opening it and taking a deep breath. 

"I'm sorry America... But it has to be done."

I hesitantly and worriedly dialed a phone number I had saved for this reason only. I called and prayed silently they would pick up.

"Hello? Yes, there is something you should know about your son... UK."

(1385 words)

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