The Family Union pt. 1, stressful night

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*America POV*

"You've got to be kidding me?!??" Dixie yelled in disbelief, I had just gotten home from the meeting, both of us were sitting down on a couch, having a private talk away from my kids and everyone else who was in the house.

Dixie wasn't in the greatest of moods, especially because he had to solve a runaway state problem on his own. Once I told him the news, his mood went from bad, to worse. It was bad enough that I was getting a headache from his negative thoughts.

"I wish I was Dix."

"We're just going to let them find out?! Just like that, after all these years!?"

"...Dixie, we have no choice, and to be honest, they might be the ones I trust with this."

"Elaborate, please, on how that the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, who hold some of the largest conferences almost monthly, with the majority of the world countries, are the ones you trust the most when they find out." 

"Okay, I admit, it does sound... Far-fetched, but when I say that, I mean that they respect boundaries, they don't tell others about things that someone doesn't want known unless it's an emergency, logical thinkers and can hold their all in a stressful or dangerous situation."

"Valid points, all of them, but still... Once they find out that there are over a hundred people living here, most of which are your kids... Who knows how they will react."

"Hey, worst comes to worst, we let Texas and Florida handle it." I said with a smirk, trying to lighten up the mood. Dixie gave me playful shove, both of us laughing.

"Are you crazy?! D.C or California should be the ones we turn to, maybe even Alaska!"

"C'mon Dix, it's just a suggestion." 

We both chuckled a bit more before we fell silent for a few minutes, no knowing what to say next.

"Well... What now? What's the plan?"

"We should tell everyone about the situation and come up with one." 

"Good idea" he mumbled as we both stood up. Dixie followed me into the living room, it was chaos. All of my kids were either arguing, fighting, trying stupid stuff or just being deranged in general. With a snap of my fingers, the room fell silent, some other kids popped their heads in, well the rest of them that weren't in the room did anyway.

"What's the problem Pops?" Louisiana asked. Concerned looks appeared on many of their faces, after all, I don't normally do this unless it's a more dire situation.

"Everyone, as you all know, you stay hidden from almost everyone and everything beyond the forest. However, tomorrow that will change, UN and NATO will be coming over to our house for at least a couple days."

Shocked gasps and murmurs erupted across the room, some even looked scared, especially Hawai'i.

"I know that this may be what you don't want, and neither do I wish to have this, but I made a mistake and they think that they need to see if I'm in any danger." 

"Why? Why would they think your in danger?" FBI piped up, raising an eyebrow at me.

"...Because they saw something in the forest. Were any of you out near the city border of the forest?"

No one spoke, some looked around the large group until five of my kids raised their hands, Washington, Chicago, Guam, Puerto Rico and; 


"Sorry father... "

"I'm not upset at you all, I'm just a bit disappointed that you weren't careful."

They looked down at the floor, each of them knew that they disobeyed their father.

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