A small discovery

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I sighed as I stood just outside the forest that surrounded the house of horrors that we were going to arrive at. The memories that had plagued me and NATO just a day ago had not faded, they had only become more vivid, more painful to remember as each detail slowly flowed into our minds. My wings puffed up with the sudden increase of shock that ran through my bones, causing me to shake even in the slightest. 

My thoughts came to a halt when I heard tires squeak behind me, it seems the countries I had given the coordinates to had finally arrived. I looked over at NATO with a worried glance, he looked right back, his eyes were more vibrant and colorful than before, perhaps a side effect of whatever was happening to us.

To my surprise, Japan was the first one to approach me, he seemed nervous as his nine tails were curled up instead of loose. The rest slowly clamored out of the cars, a group of about 13 in total waited for the next move in front of us. I clenched my hand, nerves wracking for no apparent reason, my fears calmed when I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I smiled at my friend, he was indeed my brother in bond, we were too close to not be. 

"Now... Follow me everyone, don't stray from the path."

They seemed nervous and hesitant about that, I sighed and started to walk down the path that America had brought us down when we were first here. My eyes gazed upon the beauty of this forest once again, it felt so familiar and just as welcoming as before. The birds flew through and perched on every branch they could stand on, singing their own melodies in hopes of another responding. The foliage and greenery of these woods swayed in a subtle dance with the wind, the creatures wandering through the shadows and in the light, foraging and hunting for their meals, it created quite the scenery for us. 

I took a deep breath of the crisp and clean air that wafted through the trees, each breath felt reenergizing for me, helping to lift my mood. NATO seemed happy for once, his eyes shining with a light I never saw so vibrant before, if he had a tail, it would be wagging for sure. Sighing once more, this time with a calm intent, I looked back at the group of countries, they seemed to be in awe of the environment, as it was almost untouched by any outside forces.

Our walking pace slowed down significantly as many of them became curious about the wildlife around them, I could only hope they didn't wander off the path. Luckily, NATO seemed to be keeping them all focused as we walked closer and closer to our destination, where America would be waiting for us. 

NATO turned to look at me, "UN, I get where this comes from, but is this wise?"

"What, showing the friends and family of America to his kids?"

"No, us returning to that place! They wanted to kill you last time I checked, and Dixie gave me a very... Colorful speech as well..."

"Well, there isn't any way to be sure, hopefully the demon spawn swarm of his won't try to stab me on sight, I get the feeling they wanted to before."

"No kidding... Gods... My head still hurts from that... Whatever that was..."

"Mine as well... I think it has to do with America... We've felt different and acted differently since we first arrived there..."

I winced as I felt a sharp pain pierce through my skull, like someone drove a knife into my brain and spun it. My hands gripped my head as I lost my footing and stumbled back, wings outstretched to catch my fall before I toppled over. Flashes of the events replayed in my head again and again, the pain, the fire, the fear... Everything was overwhelming.

As I blinked my eyes free of tears, NATO caught my attention, having a similar reaction as I was, no doubt seeing these visions once again. The countries behind me all suddenly had very worried looks, each one concerned for our safety. I noticed Canada was gently gripping my arm, probably trying to keep me upright so I don't harm myself on accident.

A Shocking Secret-a Countryhumans storyWhere stories live. Discover now