We're back America

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*POV Dixie?*

"Now this... This is an improvement my dear brothers."

"Just remember Bloodstained, we cannot show ourselves, I don't even like sharing a body"

"Ooh~ someone's upset, what's the matter stainless? Can't handle being close with your own twin?"

"Would you two just shut up? I don't like that you two are possessing my little pet. The only reason I let that happen instead of me is because I need one of you to block any signals to that damn liberal from him and the other to control him. I would do it myself but he would know it was me right away."

"Yes Stars, we know. Once we finally control his country and secure the army he has, you can fuck him as much as your twisted heart desires."

Stars giggled in a creepy, malicious and yet slightly sexy tone, his smirk full of blood red fangs.

"Oh you spoil me so much my brothers... Don't worry, I'll have two merchandise by the time we're done breaking this pathetic place till it screams."

... brother, please... Keep them safe... ᎠᏅᏓᏗᏍᏗ.

*POV America*

I reached my hand out, petting the large husky wolf that slept beside me, her beautiful rusty red and faint blue fur pattern only added to her unpredictable personality. Justice could be a sweet pup who just wants cuddles, to yelling over a simple word and then to an aggressive wolf who just wants to run all the time. All of it just makes her more cute to us, that and her odd inability to age, she's been physically a young mature dog for over 20 years now... Shocking, but what isn't in my home.

All the serenity and oddly enough, decent peace that was running amongst my family for once was rather relaxing yet unsettling as well. It's never this quiet, not like this, something else was missing, but what it was I couldn't recall quite yet. Justice seemed to sense my unease as she lay her snout on my lap, looking up at mer with her puppy dog eyes. I chuckled calmly and gave her scritches behind her ears, smiling down at the adorable ball of potential screaming that sat there.

I looked up as I felt a presence over me, finding Philippines standing near me, looking right at me with a worried look. 

"Phil? Is something wrong?"

"I haven't seen NATO or UN since we got here... I'm just worried so I was wondering if you've seen them"

"...no.. I haven't..." I carefully got up from under Justice without setting her off, my feathers started to puff a little from nervousness. Was this the missing unease I felt about the current moment, no, it felt different but still pressing. "Phil, I need you to notify the others, I'm going to take a perimeter patrol"

"A patrol? Alone? In your corrupted state?"

"Phil, please... I can handle it..."

"Alright just... Be careful Ame, I don't want to have to fly around on an alien dragon to find you."

"I'll be alright, just go." I commanded to him, not in the mood for jokes as I hastily walked outside, the normally sunny ground was covered in overcast clouds, the birds remained silent and the other creatures hid, this wasn't right... Something was out there... Something... Bad.

I gulped down my fear as I slowly roamed the grounds around the forest, not caring to go in during a time of many shadows... Lord knows how many shadow people are lurking in these odd places. God forbid Nalusa Falaya or a skinwaIker is here, then it would be real trouble for everyone.

As the air began to grow foggy, my feathers started to stand, the chill in the air was like a blizzard breathing on my neck. That was when I froze, an icy breath was meeting my skin, I hesitantly sniffed the air, recoiling as I smelled the unmistakable scent of decay and death. My blood ran cold, I slowly glanced behind me, finding nothing but a huge shadow in the trees... A humanoid with antlers and bloodthirsty blank eyes. 

I gasped, flapping my wings desperately trying to get away, the sounds of it's elk like cry rapidly gaining on my position. Panting with fear evident in my short yelps as I flew not far off the ground, my wings still sore and only have gotten worse since the last relatively normal meeting. When I managed to fly up into a tree I breathed a sigh of relief, I guess I could have gone for my house but then it would have attacked them all. As I carefully examined the creature, my worst fears had come true, this was a Wendigo, a true, starved, bloodied cannibal monster, but not only that... It was Canada. The red tint of the fur on its back and arms along with the maple leaf pattern on the cervid skull that covered his paled face was unmistakeably my brother. Oddly though he lacked the wild animal look and instead was in a truly horrific form that was a contorted shell of himself.

What had driven my brother to such an extreme was the question that haunted me now. He never took to this more myth accurate form at all as he would loose himself completely until he turned back. I couldn't fathom what had made him so desperate to become something so terrible even if he was a killer, he still had morals. My mind was starting to get so scrambled I could barely think, it was like an aura of magic was trying to wiggle it's way in. Frantically, I mustered up the control to cal out to Canada in hopes of getting him out of his hungry state.

"C- Canada... Canada! Listen to me! You aren't yourself!"

"...danger.... Danger..."

"What? Nada, what are you saying??"

"They're in danger... Mother..."

"What do you mean? Who are you referring to? France?"

"Mother... Danger..."

I couldn't understand what he said afterwards as it devolved into screams and shrieks that almost sounded endless from his hunger. Who was mother? Why was she in danger? Why was Canada acting like this because of it?? I thought about this over and over and the more I thought the more I didn't realize my feathered necklace was glowing red or that my eyes were leaking black and gold tears from the panic enveloping my frantic mind.

My head suddenly out of nowhere started throbbing like it was being turned inside out, it was beyond any pain I had experience in a long time. Shrieks of pure agony erupted from my throat as it slowly spread through my body. My vision was going blurry and red and my limbs clawed and flailed around in response to the horrid suffering. I felt my figure growing and snapping into new positions and my skin was covered in a thick layer of feathers as my form changed. My wings merged painfully with my arms as they grew longer and large, at ether same time my legs contorted into an avian anatomy. I gasped for breath and a single thought consumed my mind... Kill them.

(1165 words)

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